Search by keyword: «center-periphery» inequalities

Regional policies at the federal and sub-federal levels: assessing their effectiveness

The paper proves that dynamics of social disparities could be reasonably applied as a criterion of effectiveness of any regional policy. Our comparative analysis of the dynamics of regional social and economic disparities shows that the regional policy pursued by the federal government could be regarded effective, but only regional capitals benefit from it, while regional policies pursued by regional governments - ineffective. We discuss what institutional arrangements which could make traditional regional policies more effective.

Bufetova A. N. [email protected]

Keywords: region «center-periphery» inequalities region regional capitals effectiveness of regional policy

Inequalities in spatial development of regional centers and regional periphery

The paper analyzes the characteristics observed in the development of Russian central and periphery regions over the period of the national economy growth in 1999-2007; and assesses and analyses the dynamics of such intra-regional «center-periphery» inequalities on the base of both several indicators and integrated «center-periphery» inequality coefficients. The paper shows that economic growth of those years was accompanied with growing «center-periphery» inequalities in the beginning of the period, and with higher periphery indicators growth by the end of the period. The latter contributed to the lower «center-periphery» inequalities. The paper identifies the part of intra-region periphery which mostly contributed to such lower inequality.

Bufetova A. N. [email protected]

Keywords: region region center periphery «center-periphery» inequalities regional capitals

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
