Search by keyword: region

Innovation-based modernization of the area of Russia

The article claims that an effective use of the findings from a study of inno­vation in the reproduction process may result from revising the role of regions in the spatial diffusion of innovations. Regions are mostly able to develop actively various forms of cooperation, including ones with neighboring ter­ritories and foreign companies when these processes are systematically coor­dinated by the government and serve the interests of the entire Federation and not just individual regions with objective benefits or special investment support from the government. Converting regions into the drivers of innovative deve­lopment will require expanding their powers at least to the level stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation as equal subjects of the Federation, obliged and able to guarantee the extended innovative development of an area. There is a need in elaborating, deliberating and implementing a national (federative) plan of innovative development of the country that will involve all federal subjects, municipalities, and market agents by selecting programs and business projects on a competitive basis. Economic science aims at formulating ways and methods to restore and strengthen the innovation-renovated manu­facturing status of Russia - by consolidating the community through systematic modernization, organizing innovatively active population, rationally distri­buting innovation powers and available resources among all the parties to socio-economic and social relationships.

Tatarkin A. I.

Keywords: region reproduction process study of innovation reindustrialisation subfederal powers

Economic competition between Russian regions

Since the beginning of market reforms in Russia, the spatial structure of its economy has been transforming much faster than it did in Soviet times. The article discusses the peculiarities of the period between 1999 and 2013 regar­ding formal (statistically registered on a current value basis) and real changes in the spatial structure of the economy calculated with quantum indices, diffe­rences in the spatial structure of employment, and the dynamics of power consumption. The author concludes that the real changes in the spatial struc­ture of the economy are far less dramatic than the ones shown by statistics because the region where the results of economic activity are registered does not always coincide with the region where the actual product manufacturing and transportation take place. The article reveals another aspect of the prob­lem: a very high interregional differentiation of GRP per capita. It is mainly caused by substantial discrepancies in value added per employee among indust­ries. They cannot be eliminated; moreover, under the current unchangeable regional specialization, the existing interregional differences in per capita production rates will maintain in the long term

Iershov Iu. S. [email protected]

Keywords: actual allocation of productive forces quantum indices specified growth indicators interregional differentiation spatial structure of economy region

Crowdsourcing as a Component of a New Public Administration Model for Regions

The paper proposes a model of public administration based on information and communication technologies (ICT). The model includes the following units: open data, crowdsourcing and open government. In order to work out in detail the transfer of knowledge and competencies from the society to the state, we have studied crowdsourcing and its potential use in public administration as a tool to improve the efficiency of state authorities. The article compiles a typology of best practices and applications according to degrees of citizen engagement in governance and political activities. Opportunities and obstacles to the use of the new model of public administration based on ICT are analyzed by the administration of Novosibirsk Oblast. There are recommendations on how to involve the scientific potential of Novosibirsk’s Akademgorodok in the governance of the region

Kaneva M. A . [email protected]

Keywords: region public administration crowdsourcing open data region open government Novosibirsk Ob-last

Innovative Development of Russian Regions: Unevenness, Cooperation & Competition

The purpose of the article is to show that the unevenness of innovative development of Russian regions is the objective reality due to historical, technological, social and economic aspects of placement and operation of innovative factors in the territories of Russia and other countries. It is suggested that in the context of globalization the social and economic effects of “knowledge spillover” will intensify, while the processes of cooperation and competition in innovation regions will accelerate the technological change in structure and innovation culture of countries and regions. The role of regional dislocation of the RAS institutes is shown in the raising level of innovation development of the mega-space through combined investment in science and technology using the example of Siberia. The participation of the SB RAS and the SB RAMS illustrates the possibility of cooperation in technology platforms both in the high-tech field and for resource production. The three priority areas of cooperation have significant scientific groundwork for the new industrialization in Siberia and the possibility of combining the interests of the federal subjects in a number of existing technology platforms with the participation of the SB RAS institutes in order to develop new research directions, communication processes, including those in the form of innovative clusters and network structures. There is a justified conclusion that competition in science, technology and innovation emerges new markets and gives a competitive advantage in creation and use of knowledge in spatial areas of different regions. The sectoral knowledge spillover from the fields of nanoceramics and composite materials into oil and gas production may increase the chance of successful industrialization in Siberia. The article shows that potential cooperation and competition is possible between clusters in the European part and the Siberian regions, which were created with government support in the territories of Tomsk and Novosibirsk Oblasts, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Krais. It is expected that the agglomeration effects in the European part of Russia, the Urals, the Volga region, Siberia and the Far East together with a selective policy of knowledge spillover will bring economic and social benefits through the symbiosis of high-tech and traditional industries

Untura G. A. [email protected]

Keywords: region cooperation region regional policy innovation science Northern Sea Route region cooperation competition

The Law Is Adopted, The Questions Remain

Based on the Proceedings of the XIII All-Russian Forum “Strategic planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: Revisioning Strategies, Renewing Meanings” (St. Petersburg, October 2014) and the poll among representatives of regional and local authorities, there have been identified difficulties and obstacles that regions will face in the implementation of the Federal Law No. 172. “On the Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”

Lebedeva N. A. [email protected]

Keywords: social and economic development region strategic planning socio-economic development diagnostics

Evaluating Russian Regions According to the Level of Innovation Development

Innovation activity in Russian regions is considered in two aspects: as creation of innovation on the one hand and use of innovation on the other. The article provides a method of ranking Russian regions in terms of innovation development. To seize the regional specialization on different aspects of innovation activity, we build two innovation development indices: the one of creation and the other of use. Each region obtains a numerical estimate of its level of innovation development. On the basis of these values regions are ranked; consequently, the ranking makes it possible to determine which regions are the most developed ones, and which are lagging behind. This article focuses on analyzing those Russian regions that are the leaders of innovative development. We assess the stability of their position and leadership. We have found that innovations are created in the same leading regions, while they are used in different ones: the sample of creators varies little in the period under review (19 regions), whereas 41 regions can be called users and the structure of their leading group changes from year to year. Ranking of territories allows us to compare the regional levels of innovation development, identifying strengths and weaknesses of particular innovation systems, which can be used in developing a national innovation policy 

Khalimova S. R. [email protected]

Keywords: region инновационная деятельность оценка региональное неравенство рейтинг регионов индекс инновационного развития

Ethnocultural Diversity: Analysis of Its Features in Russian Regions

The ethnocultural composition of modern Russian society is as follows: about 80% of the population are Russians; the remaining 20% are repre­sentatives of more than 180 of other nationalities. Russia has seen processes of ethnic assimilation throughout its history; nonetheless, numerous ethnic groups still maintain their cultural identity. The ethnocultural diversity varies significantly by the Russian regions. The aim of this study is to test a hypothesis that postulates the existence of a link between the ethnic diversity and public goods provision at the regional level, as well as to examine the relationship between ethnic diversity and some important social and economic indicators that describe economic development and social inequality using econometric research methods. The article satisfies the questions whether ethnic diversity is a factor contributing to the provision of public goods at the regional level in Russia and if the budgetary framework is affected by other population and territorial characteristics. The subject of the study is the ethnic composition of Russian regions, indicators of social and economic development, and indi­cators of regional budgets. One of the main findings of this study is that the more heterogeneous population a region has, the less share of its budget it spends on education. The results will allow regional social and economic policies to be tailored to the ethnic and cultural diversity of the population.

Limonov L. E. [email protected]

Nesena M. V. [email protected]

Keywords: region ethnic diversity public goods budget expenditures and incomes social capital regional economics

Myths of Regional Politics: Siberian “Separatism”

The paper states the fact that the Federal Center is attempting to frame bonds with regions into vertical power structure. The bureaucratic politics model and the monopolized Russian business lead to actual decline of competence and financial base of regional self-development, which casts doubt on the fundamental principles of federalism. First and foremost, this situation infringes upon interests of Siberia and Far East, but in the end it contradicts with nationwide Russian ones. The Center may be concerned with a fictitious threat of “Siberian separatism” which has a long history. Still, nowadays, for Russia to retain eastern territories it does not need an administrative resource but an actual economic integration and reindustrialization of Siberia. It is only economically developed Siberia that is able to “increase Russia’s might”

Shmat V. V. [email protected]

Keywords: Siberia Far East region socio-economic development Siberia Far East federalism region

Formation Features of Social and Economic Development Strategies in the Context of Modernization

The paper defines an economic category named receptivity of a region to modernization. We identify and classify its relation to categories of regional development: competitiveness, effectiveness and safety. The article presents the basic methods to assess the level of receptivity of a region to modernization by analyzing constituent parts of this category, and gives an author’s assessment of its level in a number of Russian regions. We arrive at a conclusion that the stated assessment should be used as a basis for determining ways to improve strategic government in regions, and suggest using the specificities of development strategies formation in regions as ways to adapt process of its elaboration to conditions of modernization of regional social and economic systems

Balakina G. F. [email protected]

Keywords: region municipal governance region modernization innovation

Region as an Object and a Subject of Social Policy

Using the example of Yakutia, the paper studies a region as a subject and an object of social policy. We discover a bond between these two constituent parts of social policy and trends of centralization and decentralization in the context of the federal form of government. The article analyzes the main development trends, specificities of regional social policy and social policy of a beneficiary region in Russia. It is shown how imperfect federal and social standards are, those that define directions of regional social policy and its effectiveness. The paper also presents characteristics and principles of how elements of social protection for regions should develop being a key direction of state social policy which aims to even out social inequality in regions. Having analyzed development trends of social policy, we substantiate the directions of regional social policy implementation

Bolnitskaya A. N. [email protected]

Keywords: region social policy region social policy regional social policy

Developmental Trends of Energy and Heat Supply in Irkutsk Oblast

Basing on a systematic approach, the paper analyzes consumption and production of electric and thermal energy in Irkutsk Oblast and shows relations between economy and energy development. Contrast scenarios form prospective fuel and energy balances of the region. We have chosen the model describing how the regional energy development sector should preferably function and have made medium-term quantitative estimation for development levels of energy and heat consumption and the coating structure of electric charge. The article identifies deficit of electric power and proposes ways to reduce it. We consider whether it is reasonable to shift coal-fired stations to a combined (gas and vapor) cycle. The paper also present economic assessment of activities which aim to develop energy and heat supply systems in Irkutsk Oblast. We substantiate long-term development trends in the energy sector

Stennikov V. A. [email protected]

Postnikov I. V. [email protected]

Dobrovolskaya T. V. [email protected]

Keywords: region region electric and thermal energy methodology consumption and production

Workforce Productivity in Siberian Regions

The article explains how workforce productivity can be used to measure and compare levels of technological development in various regions under certain conditions and limitations. We demonstrate that sectoral structure of the economy should not necessarily be identical. Gradually reducing before 1998, workforce productivity in Russia had regained its 1990 level by 2005. During 2009-2012 positive annual growth of productivity in the whole country was achieved almost at the sole expense of the eastern regions. We have calculated projected productivity indicators in Russia and in leading regions of Big Siberia till 2025 against the background of global trends

Lavrovsky B. L. [email protected]

Murzov I. A. [email protected]

Keywords: labour productivity workforce productivity region level of technological development

Disparities in the Resource Economies of a Federative Type

The paper analyses how some experts assess the Russian economy considered as a resource economy, and how institutions of a resource economy influence the unequal efficiency of regional innovation processes. We show what the administrations of the RF subjects could do both for localization of development effects in the resource sector and attraction of investments from the stock market in the context of “a manually managed economy”, and what key tools they have to apply to perform a direct control and carry out negotiations.

Ageeva S. D. [email protected]

Keywords: federalism region federalism region regions innovation dynamics resource economy

Identification of Russian Regions from the Point of View of Spatial Heterogeneity

The paper offers the methodical tools for building a set of complex indicators of regional efficiency which reflect the resource, processing, and resulting components of major subsystems of a regional socio-economic system. We present our multidimensional assessment of the spatial heterogeneity observed for the Russian regions in 2000–2010 in the terms of the parameters of regional efficiency, and also a comparative analysis of spatial differentiation. Having analyzed the data concerning the resource-oriented regions in the Russian Arctic, we can state that high values of an economic component in their regional efficiency do not adequately reflect the actual socio-economic results.

Kirillova S. A. [email protected]

Kantor O. G. [email protected]

Keywords: region municipal entities industrial policy assessment region spatial differentiation development

The Declared and Actual Priorities of Regional and Local Authorities: How to Identify and Compare

The paper analyzes the approaches which could allow identifying, comparing and explaining a correspondence (or discrepancy) between the declared priorities of the socio-economic policies carried out by regional or municipal authorities (for example, strategic plans) and actual one (for example, those reflecting how public funds are handled). We tested such approaches for several city districts of the North-West areas of Russia through decomposing the project documents and using tools of budget analysis to show that representation and comparison of such declared and actual priorities in a formal manner is principally realizable.

Zhikharevich B. S. [email protected]

Zhunda N. B. [email protected]

Rusetskaya O. V. [email protected]

Keywords: priority principles of federalism diagnostics fiscal policy strategic planning budget expenditures municipality region

Diagnostics of Siberian Innovation Development

The paper considers methodological aspects of diagnosing the regional innovation development, and illustrates such aspects by the results obtained by the factor, regression and cluster analysis of the innovation development indicators. This allowed identifying the innovation profiles of Russia and the Siberian Federal District in 2007 and 2010. We show how the sets of factors and indicators which statistically explain the innovation development in the country and Siberia in different years differ from each other. By a cluster analysis we identify three groups of the Siberian regions which have similar innovation profiles, and we also build the GRP regressions on innovation indicators for the SFD regions.

Kaneva M. A . [email protected]

Untura G. A. [email protected]

Keywords: innovation status innovation strategy region scientific and research works innovation strategy region R&D factor analysis

Regional Competitive Potentials and Competitive Attractiveness

The paper considers the current dimensions of competition and groups of consumers for which regions compete with each other. A definition of competitive potentials in a region is presented as well as the calculations of such potentials according to five factors such as the economic development, development of infrastructures, innovation development, quality of life, and human potential, each by a 100-point appraisal plan. We present our assessment of the competitive potentials for several Russian federal districts and regions classified by the technique proposed and discuss how such assessments could be applied.

Grinchel B. M. [email protected]

Keywords: region region competitive potential economic development competitive attractiveness innovation development region human potential

Approaches to the Development of the Russian Arctic and Eastern Regions

The paper characterizes the Russian Arctic areas and eastern regions, and it proves that they (both or either of them) should not be considered as a united object of planning and management. The development strategies for each of the regions should be specified not only in the regional documents, but also in federal ones. Taking into consideration the realities of current regional management in the country and a principle of indivisibility of RF subjects, it seems advisable to give a priority to the level of RF subjects. However, it is also reasonable to treat the regions under study as independent targets of our public regional policy, administration, and, first of all, strategic planning.

Sevastianova A. Ie. [email protected]

Keywords: region Arctic region management spatial development Arctic eastern regions

Monitoring the Regional Socio-Economic Development: about a Set of the Indicators

The paper states that the technique to monitor the socio-economic development based on the system of the indicators common for all units of the Russian Federation does not allow applying scientific paradigms to regional governance. We offer a list of indicators which could reflect regional specifics in a proper monitoring of the regional socio-economic development and test its application for the Irkutsk Oblast.

Bondarev A. E. [email protected]

Keywords: region socio-economic development monitoring region innovation scoreboard regional economy

A Comprehensive Approach to the Analysis of Regional Poverty

The paper proves that measuring regional poverty should be comprehensive and include an analysis of the socio-economic and environment situation as well as effectiveness of the existing institutes. We analyze an official approach to and major problems of measuring regional poverty through our case-study for Tyumen Oblast. To describe a full picture of poverty in the oblast, we apply a multidimensional approach and compare indicators of people’s experience of deprivation such as lack of income, lack of capacities for human development, inadequate living standard, social exclusion, and peoples’ poverty assessments. We can also conclude that there is a need to solve problems of the increased social poverty and those of economic poverty observed in the Tyumen Oblast simultaneously.

Rudenko D. Yu. [email protected]

Keywords: region socio-economic development region socio-economic development regional policy

Cancers and Socio-Economic Circumstances

Having analyzed a correlation between some oncological diseases observed in Western Siberia and the socio-economic factors, we display the typical correlations for most diseased and specific ones for individuals. The effective measures of cancer surveillance are proposed.

Putilova A. A. [email protected]

Keywords: region North region Western Siberia third age

Standby Opportunities to Improve the Investment Climate in the Novosibirsk Oblast

The paper compares an investment policy of the Government of Novosibirsk Oblast and the recommendations included in the model program on improving investment climates in RF subjects and developed on the base of the best sub-federal practices. The paper analyses problems of the socio-economic and investment development and proposes the ways and mechanisms to improve the investment policy in this region.

Zhdan G. V. [email protected]

Keywords: region Novosibirsk Ob-last region Novosibirsk Oblast investment climate

Endogenous Factors of Regional Competitiveness and Their Econometric Testing

Having revised the theoretical and applied models for assessing competitiveness, the paper proposes a regional simulation model of endogenous economic growth where the endogenous factors of competitiveness are modeled on the base of system dynamics. To have a comprehensive assessment of regional competitiveness, we econometrically test the endogenous factors of growth. We present our conclusions which could be recommended to be applied in developing the modernization and innovation policies for the Republic of Uzbekistan

Nazarov Sh. Kh. [email protected]

Keywords: Uzbekistan region region endogenous economic growth competitiveness econometric modeling

Effectiveness of regional and local authorities: purposes and possibilities of the correct assessment

The paper considers issues concerning the techniques allowing correct assessment of how effective the regional and municipal authorities operate. We present our general considerations whether such assessments could be applicable for more detailed matters of evaluation - such as separate duties or powers - and to what degree they really influence the parameters of local situations under the context of existing resources and all-out dependence on national policies, law, and etc. We criticize both current assessment techniques and practices of distribution and redistribution of regional and local powers. We also show the problems and possibilities of applying the results of pollings to the operation of authorities.

Leksin V. N. [email protected]

Keywords: region region authorities effectiveness and efficiency methods of assessment powers administrative effects

Building a new system of regional governance: methodological issues

The paper analyzes such issues as the objective conditions, pre-conditions and management principles of the socio-economic processes taken place in regions; basic patterns of how regional businesses interact; and methodological bases of and enhancing regional governance.

Marshalova A. S. [email protected]/ru

Novoselov A. S. [email protected]

Keywords: region management system of regional governance regional reproduction process harmonization of regional and market interests

Strategic support for regions: problems in assessing a status of an innovation territory

The paper analyzes the qualitative and quantitative methods for assessing the regional innovation activity, and criteria and procedures for selecting RF regions to be governmentally supported. We present the results of our testing made according to different rating techniques, and present our proposals how to improve the methodical approaches to and statistical data on evaluation of innovation statuses of regions.

Untura G. A. [email protected]

Keywords: region innovation Paretto’s optimum region region innovation cluster authorities education financial resources

Crisis management at the sub-federal level in the Siberian Federal District

The paper analyzes how the Siberian regions react to the crisis and crisis management arrangements undertaken by the SFD authorities. Our results concern a classification and the general features of these arrangements and how effective they were.

Kolomak Ie. A. [email protected]

Keywords: crisis crisis regional policy region Siberian Federal District

Assessing the links between economic growth and political institutions in regions

The paper analyzes a process of building an institution of governors for subjects of the Russian Federation, and how the political changes taken place in the 2000-s influenced the GRP growth rates, in particular, when assignment of governors substituted for their election. We also analyze economic consequences of the shifting of regional authorities.

Druzhinin P. V. [email protected]

Keywords: region economy incomes region party economy

Structural and dynamic features of the Siberian tax resources

The paper analyzes the dynamics and regional structure of taxes paid by the Siberian Federal District in 2004-2008. We show that regional differentiation of the tax indices per capita observed at the stage of economic growth proved to be stable (except a shock of 2006), and therefore, a type of the regional development should be regarded as neutral. We can conclude that Siberian regions overcome the crises much faster that the country in whole.

Lavrovsky B. L. [email protected]

Murzov I. A. [email protected]

Goryushkina Ye. A. [email protected]

Mishina A. S. [email protected]

Keywords: region Siberian Federal District region region the Siberian Federal District crisis

Aging population: problems and tendencies

We analyze the topical issues of mutual influence of the economy and population ageing taken place in the Russian regions. We formulate the basic arrangements the government should make towards the elderly people in the context of economic globalization and an increased influence of economic factors on the shifting age structure of the population.

Potanina Yu. A. [email protected]

Keywords: region region demographic aging inter-regional inequality third age economic growth standard of living demographic policy

Dynamics of the innovation activity in the Russian regions

Presenting the economic-mathematical estimation of innovation activity taken place in the subjects of the Russian Federation, the author shows that both innovation space and innovation activity in the Russian regions proved to be heterogeneous.

Kazantsev S. V. [email protected]

Keywords: innovation activity region Kyrgyz Republic structure

Assessing effectiveness of regional executive authorities: the analysis of the Russian legislation performance evaluation of authorities

The paper describes the problems and contradictions of the current techniques for assessing effectiveness of regional bodies of executive authority. We show that such techniques allow introducing new instruments for regional support, on the one hand, and do not allow the monitoring of regional changes, on the other hand. We present our proposals on how to improve the techniques.

Atamas Ye. V. [email protected]

Keywords: region region executive authorities management assessment administrative reform

Regional appreciations: technique andempiricalmeasurements

The paper offers a technique to assess regional appreciations in a multi-regional socio-economic system. This technique is based on the specially prepared arrays of regional indicators. Empirical estimations are calculated for federal districts and 30 macro-regions of Russia. We present our recommendations on applying this technique to make predictive calculations of how the special structure of the Russian economy could develop.

Suspitsyn S. A. [email protected]

Keywords: region economy regional policy spatial transformations region

Issues of the education reform: teachers' assessments

The paper analyzes how the Russian reform in education influences the development of teaching stuffs at educational institutions. We show the major outcomes and problems of this reform. The analysis of the opinions about modernization of education and its perspectives obtained by our polling the teachers of general education schools in the Bologda Oblast is presented. We also determine how tightly the teachers' attitudes to the reform and factors of Russians' social feeling correlate.

Golovchin M. A. [email protected]

Solovyeva T. S. [email protected]

Keywords: region education modernization region education modernization social feeling

Tools of a monetary policy and regional investments

The paper analyzes the influence of monetary policy transmission mechanisms on regional economic development and, in particular, on investments. We consider six-year data for fourteen regions of the Volga Federal District. We identify the factors of monetary policy which should be of a special attention in considering regional specifics.

Speranskaya L. L. [email protected]

Keywords: region economy dynamics region

Regional policies at the federal and sub-federal levels: assessing their effectiveness

The paper proves that dynamics of social disparities could be reasonably applied as a criterion of effectiveness of any regional policy. Our comparative analysis of the dynamics of regional social and economic disparities shows that the regional policy pursued by the federal government could be regarded effective, but only regional capitals benefit from it, while regional policies pursued by regional governments - ineffective. We discuss what institutional arrangements which could make traditional regional policies more effective.

Bufetova A. N. [email protected]

Keywords: region «center-periphery» inequalities region regional capitals effectiveness of regional policy

Approachers to regional clustering

The paper identifies the features and reasons of regional clustering; it describes the basic approaches to definition of such spatial and economic phenomenon; and it also considers a typology of clusters and the role which an investment cluster could play in synergetic economics.

Shekhovtseva L. S. [email protected]

Zaplatina V. V. [email protected]

Keywords: Northern Sea Route region industrial policy clusters competitiveness region development

Strategic planning as a factor of cooperative competitiveness

The paper analyses the cooperation of competitors (cooperative competitiveness), and it introduces a notion of cooperative competitiveness and its economic treatment. The author shows how a spatial strategic planning may positively influence the institutional environment through stimulating innovations and cooperative competitiveness both between and inside regions which could result in better socio-economic development. Potentially negative impacts of cooperative competitiveness are also analyzed.

Zhikharevich B. S. [email protected]

Keywords: region diagnostics innovation development region strategic planning innovation development

Competitive advantages and innovative character of regional economies

The paper develops basic elements of the modeling and methodical support for assessing the competitiveness of regional economies, and presents an econometric model for Kemerovo Oblast which allows identifying the most important factors and their impacts on regional competitiveness. We show that the more innovations are implemented by any RF unit, the higher competitiveness of such unit may be.

Fridman Yu. A. [email protected]

Rechko G. N. [email protected]

Limonov A. G. [email protected]

Keywords: region structure competitiveness economy region assessment competitiveness economy

State research centers and the national innovation system

The paper analyses development capacities of the research centers considered as a key element of the national innovation system. We show the current management problems in such centers and kinds of supports provided by the government. The ways how to reform the operation of such centers to enhance better cooperation of all elements of the innovation system are presented here.

Untura G. A. [email protected]

Keywords: state research center innovation investments strategy region infrastructure

Disintegration of Russia: isitpossible?

The paper considers trends and perspectives of spatial transformations taken place in the Russian economic space. The tasks of the strategic spatial development in Russia are formulated here

Granberg A. G. [email protected]

Keywords: Kyrgyz Republic region Russia trends region

Assessing the share of environmental costs in GRP

The paper proves that natural capital depletion should be taken into account in assessing a level of regional economic development. The problems of correcting GRP are discussed. We present our cost estimates of environmental damage caused by economic activity and experienced by Russia and the regions of the Siberian Federal Region. Our estimates were made on the base of a cost approach

Zabelina L. A. [email protected]

Klevakina Ye. A. [email protected]

Keywords: region structure incomes inter-regional inequality region assessment

Tourist flows from Primorsky Krai to China

The structure of tourist products consumed by travelers from the Primorsky Krai (Russian Federation) to China is under study in this paper. We used the data of the consumer's questionnaire survey and our own technique for such data collecting and processing. The experience of operation the touristic firms located in the Primorsky Krai and specialized in tours to China is generalized

Martyshenko N. S. [email protected]

Keywords: tourist product region region questionnaire survey data analysis

A regional targeting concept

The author developed a dualistic regional targeting concept which includes the managerial and coalition mechanisms of targeting. We offer an approach and a set of techniques to select the regional development scenarios, build and assess targets, and simulate an economic growth and regional competitiveness.

Shekhovtseva L. S. [email protected]

Keywords: Eastern Siberia region concept region subject of development strategic targeting scenarios managerial and coalition mechanisms

The role of governments in building innovation clusters

The paper shows how innovation clusters are shaped to solve the tasks of higher competiveness of territories in the foreign countries with government activism. We also show what innovation development practices of other countries can be advisable for Russia.

Gubaydullina F. S. [email protected]

Keywords: region region innovation world experience innovations

Russian Census of 2010: preliminary results for the Siberian Federal District

The paper presents the preliminary results of the Russian Census 2010 concerning the urban and rural populations and their sex-and-age structure in the regions of the Siberian Federal District as well the dynamics of resident population changes over 1926-2010.

Kiselnikov A. A. [email protected]

Keywords: All-Russian Population Census region region Siberian Federal District

Northern regions of Russia: economic dynamics and development problems

The paper describes what regional economic tendencies are observed in the Russian North, and how national crisis processes affect the regional economies. We tried to take into consideration a current necessity of enhancing the innovation factors for the development of both national and regional economies.

Selin V. S. [email protected]

Keywords: taxes financial-economic crisis regulation dynamics innovation forecast country economy region crisis region economy region economy

Evaluating inequalities in the municipal development

The paper analyzes economic inequalities in the development of municipal units, and compares them with those concerning the subjects of the Russian Federation. We can state that the economic inequalities within the RF subject may be higher by some indicators than those between the RF subjects; and also can state that there are some municipal units observed in different RF subj ects and characterized by equal indicators. This proves the existence of trans-border regions that are economically similar. We also identify the scales of backwardness existing in most regions in comparison with regional capitals and industrial centers, and show their steady character.

Sidelnikov N. V. [email protected]

Keywords: subject of the Russian Federation municipal unit region industrial policy region structure

Regional monitoring as an informational and managerial base for regional policy and strategic planning

The paper analyses the methodological issues of building regional monitoring systems (to monitor regional situations and problems) as well as the best practices of such informational and monitoring systems. The paper also considers the approaches appropriate to formimg a socio-economic block of the Monitoring System of the Socio-Economic and Environmental Situation Center for the Siberian Federal District.

Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]

Keywords: monitoring region region informational systems indicators diagnostics regional policy

Differences in consequences of the crisis across regions

The paper presents the results of the comparative analysis of the socio-economic situation in Russian federal districts, and calculations of a long-term forecast. The author gives his opinion about the ways of how to improve the forecasting quantitative variables concerning development of the national economy and different regions in order to make such variables more reliable.

Iershov Iu. S. [email protected]

Keywords: economy scenarios anti-crisis programs region region crisis

Russian regions in the period between two crisis of 1998 and 2008

The paper describes the socio-economic situation in Russian regions over 2000-2007 - the period of the crisis-free development - through our analyses of such indicators as the comparative indicators of regional growth, transformation of the territorial structure, basic indicators of regional development, comparative consolidated indices of the situation in the units of the Russian Federation, and lists of regions-leaders and regions-outsiders.

Suspitsyn S. A. [email protected]

Keywords: spatial transformations indicators region spatial transformations

Economic safety and estimation of a region economic protection

Economic protection of regions is one of the set of elements of a national economic safety system. The paper discusses the key notions of economic safety, and it offers a technique to estimate levels of regions' economic protection

Kazantsev S. V. [email protected]

Keywords: economic safety protection region region structure

Regional development and quality of an economic space

The study assesses to what degree the economic space in the Russian Federation was integrated and homogenous over 1998-2007. To assess such integrity, we base upon a hypothesis of the growing integration tendencies occurring under globalization conditions; and our verification of the hypothesis is made in association with the scopes and spatial specialization of regional economies. То assess the homogeneity, we verify the hypothesis of whether ГЗ-and ст-convergence exist in the Russian economic space

Kirillova S. A. [email protected]

Kantor O. G. [email protected]

Keywords: economic space region region region integrity economic growth

Forming the state-guaranteed orders for providing fiscal services

The paper analyzes a current system of the state-guaranteed and municipal orders for providing fiscal services. As we show, a current regulatory and methodical framework proved to be too formal, and it does not allow using the system of orders as an effective tool of fiscal policy. We present the new approaches; they, in contrast to standard methods, include incentives to develop local markets of fiscal services through applying the formal approaches which help assess the different consumers' demand for fiscal services. This would allow a medium-term forecast of quantitative variables of the orders and budgetary allocations

Gavril’eva T. N. [email protected]

Keywords: agent of fiscal planning fiscal services orders region region region finance

Analyzing the criteria for intergovernmental links between the center and regions

The paper analyses how the distribution of centralized investments influence regional development through applying an optimization multi-regional model of money flows analysis and foresting. We consider here an approach which takes into account the achievement of a system-wide effect and distribution of resources according to the criterion of maximization of the minimal development level. We present our assessment of how distribution of resources between regions influences the dynamics of the system-wide effect.

Marshak V. D. [email protected]

Keywords: optimization multi-regional model of money flows analysis and foresting dynamics region investments region criterion of maximization of the minimal development fiscal capacity

Fiscal revenues in the SFD regions in the crisis

The study analyses how deeply a drop of regional fiscal revenues taking place due to the economic crisis affect the regions of the Siberian Federal District (SFD). We analyze the sectoral structure of the tax revenues in consolidated regional budgets as well as their tax type structure. The structure of vertical distribution of the SFD tax revenues are compared with the Russian average one. We show a peculiar character of the SFD tax flows from different activities.

Goryushkina Ye. A. [email protected]

Mishina A. S. [email protected]

Murzov I. A. [email protected]

Keywords: region economy region region criterion of maximization of the minimal development economy crisis

Building societal community as a problem of a regional development strategy

The study considers a regional social community concept. A regional social community is regarded as a system of the community members' interpersonal and intergroup attitudes based on their awareness of the solidarity in interests, values and life expectations, mutual support, loyalty and partnership for reaching common goals. We consider the building of such regional social community as a pre-condition of better quality of life and a necessary component of any regional development strategy. We also identify the basic stractural elements of a social community (values, standards and collectivities) and principles to develop such concept.

Ushamirskaya G. F. [email protected]

Babintsev V. P. [email protected]

Babintseva E. I. [email protected]

Keywords: region region quality of life social capital regional social community social capital reflexiveness solidarity

Monitoring of the regional socio-economic development

The study analyses the application of information processing technologies to socio-economic monitoring of regional development. The author proves the necessity of the development of monitoring techniques allowing for the types of regions and all regional characteristics.

Bondarev A. E. [email protected]

Keywords: monitoring region monitoring socio-economic development region characteristics socio-economic development

Strategic management of the regional oil-and-gas potential

The paper shows the special features which regional governing systems have due to an «oil-and-gas» orientation of their economies. We applied the modern approaches and algorithms of analysis and strategic decision-making, such as the simulation models and situation analysis, to study the key problems of regional development. As our analysis of the situation in the eastern region of Russia shows, to solve management tasks of the oil-and-gas potential of any territory, a modeling object should include several regions (or RF units). We offered some approaches to reaching a consensus between major operators.

Sevastianova A. Ie. [email protected]

Keywords: region Arctic region hydrocarbon resources administrative action decision-making coordination of interests

Improvements in the agricultural enterprises' investment and innovation policies in the Samara Ob last

The study analyzes the demand for long-term financial investments and credit resources by agricultural enterprises in the Samara Oblast. We show how fiscal transfers influence the financial and economic activities of these enterprises, and what improvements should be done in the innovation and investment policies at both regional and enterprise levels.

Dubikova Ye. N. [email protected]

Antipova V. N.

Polyanskova N. V.

Keywords: region region fiscal transfer innovation and investment policy agricultural enterprises

Informational socio-economic monitoring system for a region

The paper presents his regional informational socio-economic monitoring system and an analytic system to trace the dynamics of regional development. There are also presented the basic goals of how IT-technologies would be applied to the regional socio-economic monitoring and the economic analysis. The author developed a model and a relative software-based informational management system that would provide the higher efficiency of decisions made by the top regional authorities.

Bondarev A. E. [email protected]

Keywords: region regional socio-economic development information technologies decision-making

Two-sector model of the development in natural resource regions

The paper evaluates the structural shifts occurring under the influence of high prices for hydrocarbon materials and taking place in the Khanty-Mansisk-Yugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts. It was shown how a two-sector model of these regional economies has shaped under the high oil and gas prices. The paper considers what kind of risks may threaten such two-sector economy.

Miheeva N. N. [email protected]

Keywords: region region export-oriented specialization two-sector economy world prices regional proportions

Analyzing factors of regional competitiveness

We assess some indicators of regional economic activity which can show the competitiveness of a region, and analyze key factors which are of importance for their higher competitiveness and which we consider to be an empirical basis for assessing regional competitiveness. Factors and impetus to higher regional competitiveness are classified. To illustrate our conclusions, we compared some competitive positions of the Novosibirsk Oblast with those for other regions of the Siberian Federal District.

Kolomak Ie. A. [email protected]

Keywords: competitiveness region region factors geographic location production potential infrastructure human capital

Some fragments of the latest trends in regional development

The paper analyses how the regional differentiation of real sectors of the economy and intergovernmental relations changed over the last few years. We consider the links between economic growth and regional differentiation as well as the trends of how regional fiscal equilibrium changes including those changes caused by regional merging processes.

Postnikova Ye. A.

Shiltsin E. A. [email protected]

Keywords: region economy region economy differentiation intergovernmental relations budget

Regulating the foreign economic activity in Sakhalin Oblast

The paper analyzes the regional legislative improvements of external economic relations made by the Sakhalin Oblast’s authorities, and shows that this process should be intensified since the potential of the region, being a frontier one, has not been fully realized despite its positive dynamics in foreign trade and foreign investments.

Urubkova I. E.

Keywords: foreign economic activity Sakhalin Oblast region region foreign investments legal system

Tools for managing regional enterprise efficiency

The author presents his theoretical considerations concerning the building of tools to manage efficiency of a regional enterprise which combine the potential of intersectoral and international sources of improvements and the different types of benchmarking.

Goncharuk A. G.

Keywords: region region assessment enterprises efficiency benchmarking management mechanism

World crisis and Russian spatial socio-economic development strategy

The paper considers the issues of how the crisis can be diagnosed in Russian regions and how the national anti-crises program can be regionalized including the question of efficiency of such regional anti-crises programs. We analyses the potential anti-crisis scenarios and how the current crisis may affect the future trajectory of regional development. On the base of the calculations made by applying the interregional intersectoral models, we presented some variants of a long-term forecast for the spatial socio-economic development in the Russian Federation.

Granberg A. G. [email protected]

Miheeva N. N. [email protected]

Minakir P. A. [email protected]

Kuleshov V. V. [email protected]

Iershov Iu. S. [email protected]

Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]

Suslov V. I. [email protected]

Suspitsyn S. A. [email protected]

Keywords: crisis region crisis region regional policy anti-crisis programs

Assessing socio-economic development in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation under new conditions

The paper analyses potential impacts of recessionary events on the dynamics of regional development. Our calculations have been made by applying an optimization forecasting model to the money flows observed in the Novosibirsk Oblast. We treated the recessionary impacts as follows: a reduction in regional financing by the federal government, devaluation of national currency, transformations of overdue repayment of debts on issued loans, and a reduction in capital projects financing. We show that it is the policy concerning the investment of construction projects - first of all, large ones - proved to be a key factor affecting the socio-economic development in a region.

Marshak V. D. [email protected]

Keywords: region economy region economy finance crisis dynamics money flows

Inequalities in spatial development of regional centers and regional periphery

The paper analyzes the characteristics observed in the development of Russian central and periphery regions over the period of the national economy growth in 1999-2007; and assesses and analyses the dynamics of such intra-regional «center-periphery» inequalities on the base of both several indicators and integrated «center-periphery» inequality coefficients. The paper shows that economic growth of those years was accompanied with growing «center-periphery» inequalities in the beginning of the period, and with higher periphery indicators growth by the end of the period. The latter contributed to the lower «center-periphery» inequalities. The paper identifies the part of intra-region periphery which mostly contributed to such lower inequality.

Bufetova A. N. [email protected]

Keywords: region region center periphery «center-periphery» inequalities regional capitals

Siberian regions in foreign markets of food and agricultural raw material

Range of goods produced in Siberian regions, geographical priorities of an export-import policy in regions, their high activity and industrial potentials allows us to state that the regions are ready for better and wider export-import activity. We identify two clusters of regions characterized by different capacities, and the ways of improving the management of their operation in foreign markets of food and agricultural raw material. We assess the potentials of key exported products with consideration for an import-substituting development strategy; identify and assess a set of products of critical import-dependence; and present our evaluation of prospects in import substitution.

Kovaliova G. D. [email protected]

Drobyshev V. Yu.

Keywords: region region statistical recording foreign trade market foods agricultural raw materials import-dependence production

Natural resource development projects implemented in the Yamal-Nenetz Autonomous Okrug: export risks

The paper considers the issues of the long-term development in the Yamal-Ne-netz Autonomous Okrug. We show that the current financial and economic crisis may significantly affect the implementation of the large-scale projects of system-forming character for this region. We also evaluate the export risks for the Yamal Natural Gas Production Project if European partners switch over to other gas markets. Should the Project be withdrawn, the regional fiscal losses will be so high that the complete revision of the Yamal socio-economic strategy will be required.

Kharitonova V. N. [email protected]

Keywords: region Siberia region strategy system-forming project commercial and public efficiency energy-output ratio

Capacities and prospects of the innovation development in Siberia

The paper shows a present state of the Siberian scientific, technological and innovation potential which includes a number of scientific achievements of world's significance, a developed system of higher education and scientific personnel training, and an advanced industrial complex including the knowledge-intensive sectors. We identify the key challenges of future development and key problems required to be resolved to build a holistic innovation system in Siberia which could adequately solve such challenges; and propose a scenario of how the existed potential could be targeted on innovation development that allow better competitive advantages of SFD and more favorable conditions of life.

Kravchenko N. A. [email protected]

Untura G. A. [email protected]

Keywords: challenges Siberia dynamics innovation education strategy region investments infrastructure innovation Siberia

Information analysis systems and regional e-government

The paper considers theoretical issues and methodical approaches of what would be the research and information tools, how they could be built and applied to a regional strategic decision-making system. We present a case-study concerning the situation analysis of the issues of the long-term development in the Khanty-Mansy Okrug; and can conclude that combining both the quantitative methods and models and the qualitative approaches to the analysis of real administrative situations would be successful providing that certain conditions are ensured.

Sevastianova A. Ie. [email protected]

Keywords: region region governance regional e-government decision-making situation analysis information technologies

Improving the applied future energy consumption techniques

Having analyzed the Russian applied methodologies for electricity demand forecasting, the author focuses on regional components, and shows some dispute aspects. The author offers and validates the ways of how to improve the applied methodology. The paper presents the data concerning the Krasnoyarsk Kray and calculated according to both current methodology and improved one.

Lyubimova Ye. V. [email protected] or [email protected]

Keywords: electric power consumption region scenarios region economy forecast methodology

Financial anti-crisis measures in Heilongjiang Province

The paper shows what specific features of the economic structure in Hei-longjiang Province allow reducing negative impacts of the world financial-economic crisis on different spheres of the province economy, and describes the economic and social measures which central and province governments undertake to come out of a recession.

Ma Yujiung 0 [email protected]

Keywords: region region strategy economy financial-economic crisis structure economy

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
