Search by keyword: management

Creating conditions for the innovative development of resource-type regions

The capabilities of innovative development, as well as designing and devising an innovation-oriented model to explore natural resources in a region, have numerous aspects. Among them, the most crucial ones are regional factors and conditions. An analysis of controllable factors is ofpractical interest. The article examines the theoretical base and innovation development experiences of most successful primary producing countries. The analysis shows that the state assumes the key role in the development of innovation; national innovation systems are forming with due regard to the specific commodity-centered nature of the economy. Government control focuses on comprehensive promotion of entrepreneurship and private sector initiative; therefore a significant pro­portion of R&D investment is provided by the industry. The practices of innovatively developed Russian regions rich in raw materials (Tomsk Oblast, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Tatarstan) assure that the development of the innovation sphere helped improve their public image and conditions for attracting investment and highly skilled professionals. An innovative component can give impetus not only to developing traditional industries but also addressing social and economic problems of territories. There is a tendency to take into account the peculiarities of commodity profiling in strategies of regional innovation development, but a deficiency or absence of relations between the innovation sector and mineral companies in a region are still present. The share of minerals sector in the economic structure is not a determining factor allowing for successful innovation (or preventing it) because there exist other relevant factors and conditions. The regional level of government plays a critical role in forming and developing innovative processes: along with technological innovations, managerial, organizational and marketing ones are becoming increasingly important; institutional change, political competence and the role of regional authorities are coming to the fore; good performance can be achieved through active participation in federal initiatives devoted to promoting innovation

Sevastianova A. Ie. [email protected]

Keywords: oil-and-gas region materials sector of the economy innovation management factors and conditions for innovation activity institutional environment

Testing Approaches to Studying the Content of Municipal Strategies

The paper presents results of a pilot study of 100 documents on long-term strategic planning of municipal units. We characterize the texts basing on a devised codifier which describes economic and social parts of strategies, infrastructure development issues and implementation of a strategy. We pay special attention to “ambitious” character of a document and priorities towards “flagship projects”. As a result of cluster analysis, we have defined three following dense groups of strategies: ambitious realistic (good), unambitious realistic and ambitious unrealistic (populist) ones. The big number of strategies of the first cluster (54) allows us to say that Russian municipal strategies are of considerably high quality. Through the content analysis of the documents using lexical markers, we prove that the strategies are thematically differentiated and find out that a series of topics is assigned by the federal authorities

Zhikharevich B. S. [email protected]

Pribyshin T. K. [email protected]

Keywords: municipal strategic planning management Northern Sea Route стратегии management

Approaches to the Development of the Russian Arctic and Eastern Regions

The paper characterizes the Russian Arctic areas and eastern regions, and it proves that they (both or either of them) should not be considered as a united object of planning and management. The development strategies for each of the regions should be specified not only in the regional documents, but also in federal ones. Taking into consideration the realities of current regional management in the country and a principle of indivisibility of RF subjects, it seems advisable to give a priority to the level of RF subjects. However, it is also reasonable to treat the regions under study as independent targets of our public regional policy, administration, and, first of all, strategic planning.

Sevastianova A. Ie. [email protected]

Keywords: region Arctic region management spatial development Arctic eastern regions

Building a new system of regional governance: methodological issues

The paper analyzes such issues as the objective conditions, pre-conditions and management principles of the socio-economic processes taken place in regions; basic patterns of how regional businesses interact; and methodological bases of and enhancing regional governance.

Marshalova A. S. [email protected]/ru

Novoselov A. S. [email protected]

Keywords: region management system of regional governance regional reproduction process harmonization of regional and market interests

Assessing effectiveness of regional executive authorities: the analysis of the Russian legislation performance evaluation of authorities

The paper describes the problems and contradictions of the current techniques for assessing effectiveness of regional bodies of executive authority. We show that such techniques allow introducing new instruments for regional support, on the one hand, and do not allow the monitoring of regional changes, on the other hand. We present our proposals on how to improve the techniques.

Atamas Ye. V. [email protected]

Keywords: region region executive authorities management assessment administrative reform

Regional opportunities in regulating a reproductive people's behavior

To make our recommendation on optimizing a demographic policy, we consider how people's reproductive behavior influences regional birth rates. Our case-study on the Vologda Oblast suggests that there is a trend to have a few children in families as people's reproductive plans could not be realized because of people's lack of confidence in the future economic stability in the country or stable family partner's relationships, or their dissatisfaction with their incomes, housing conditions, and healthcare and educational services. Within our case-study we developed the recommendations on the objectives to be included in the demographic policy for the Vologda Oblast and an interagency coordination plan to ensure higher birth rates in this region.

Dobrokhleb V. G. [email protected]

Shabunova А. A. [email protected]

Kalachikova O. N. [email protected]

Keywords: depopulation fertility depopulation demographic policy management Vologda Oblast

Strategic planning of intersectoral resource megaprojects: technologic-organizing aspects

The paper considers the characteristic features of intersectoral megapro-jects, the place which such projects play in a system of governmental strategic planning and management, and a necessity of administrative procedures to coordinate both strategic interests and investment policies of the government and business. We offer our methodological approach to building technologic-organizing schemes of strategic planning and management though applying tools of modeling. We also suggest the mechanisms to coordinate the investment decisions made by participants involved in megaprojects - such mechanisms include indicators which assess whether management schemes of implementation of investment program in such megaprojects are well balanced and effective.

Pliaskina N. I. [email protected]

Kharitonova V. N. [email protected]

Keywords: diagnostics management strategic planning management hydrocarbon resources technologic-organizing schemes megaprojects coordination of interests coordination mechanisms management indicators system of indicators

Tendencies in transformation of environmental management mechanism

The study analyzes the key ideas and measures towards environmental protection which were shaped in the second half of the XX century and started to determine the contents of any public ecological policy in the world. We focus on the issues of transformation of the environmental management mechanism applied at the federal and regional level in Russia; and show that our country had a good basis for developing and implementing an effective ecological policy by the beginning of the XXI century but failed to keep it effective for next years. Why it happened is analyzed in the study.

Burmatova O. P. [email protected]

Keywords: environmental activities ecology management management methods of regulation expertise

Efficiency of the governmental anti-recessionary measures in Germany

The paper analyses the German financial crisis and priorities of the crisis responses undertaken by German government; assesses how effective the anti-recessionary measures undertaken by both central and lands' governments are, and shows the economy management improvements made in Germany in the post-crisis time.

Baranova K. [email protected]

Ferber G. [email protected]

Keywords: Germany crisis economy housing market crisis economy assessment management

Anti-recessionary model for economy administration

The paper considers the existing management models, i.e. what management tasks are set up, what instruments are used to perform analytical works, and how to assess whether results the of analytical works comply with development goals of the real economy. Key instrument of our study is a general equilibrium model which defines the output levels, employment, incomes, and prices. We suggest the Kantorovich-Koopmans's duality principle to be used to find the solution of optimal use of limited production resources.

Bayzakov S. B. [email protected]

Keywords: economy management economy management theory of general equilibrium

Monitoring system as an instrument of operational decisions making

The Informational System for Monitoring of National Socio-Economic Indicators operating in the Kazakhstan Republic is the first stage in building the Situational Center under the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of Kazakhstan. This System serves as a tool to assess operational parameters of the national economy and to predict future ones; to identify the sectors which are in critical state; and to make proper operational decisions via feedback regime.

Alpysbaieva S. N. [email protected]

Bopieva Zh. K. [email protected]

Keywords: Kazakhstan monitoring economy management Kazakhstan monitoring

A balanced set of indicators for management of a regional utilities system

The study describes the basic principles and advantages of applying the balanced scorecard to public utilities management. Major indicators and a plan of introducing such management system are identified.

Lukyanets A. A. [email protected]

Rotar V. [email protected]

Keywords: indicators strategic maps informational systems management management a set of balanced indicators public utilities

Two-level enterprise management system in the context of network-economy

The paper shows that a multi-level management system applicable in market environment proved to be inconsistent with network-economy. A two-level management system is considered more applicable in the context of network-economy as it allows reducing the time required for forecasting, planning, accounting, analysis, and control over production. The author proves that management systems in contexts of market economy, network-economy and «command-hierarchy» economy differ from each other in to what degree they are oriented on client's demand for a certain product.

Yakubovsky Yu. V. [email protected]

Matokhin M. A. [email protected]

Keywords: enterprise models of market economy network-economy and «command-hierarchy» economy management assessment

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
