Search by keyword: coordination mechanisms

Building Mechanisms of Support for Petrochemical Clusters in Eastern Siberia and Yakutia

The paper proposes an approach how to develop the mechanisms of governmental support for investment projects being implemented by oil-and-gas chemistry clusters in Eastern Siberia and the Sakha Republic. The approach is based on the application of a network and simulation model for assessing efficiency of the East Siberian oil-and-gas megaproject. Having analyzed to what degree the investment resource and timing schedules for producing and processing sectors are coordinated within different megaprojects, we offer our variants of governmental support for the clusters within the framework of the State Development Plan for Gas-and-Oil Chemistry in the East of Russia 2030

Pliaskina N. I. [email protected]

Kharitonova V. N. [email protected]

Vizhina I. A. [email protected]

Keywords: management megaproject oil-and-gas chemical cluster assessment tax preferences tax privileges coordination mechanisms efficiency

Strategic planning of intersectoral resource megaprojects: technologic-organizing aspects

The paper considers the characteristic features of intersectoral megapro-jects, the place which such projects play in a system of governmental strategic planning and management, and a necessity of administrative procedures to coordinate both strategic interests and investment policies of the government and business. We offer our methodological approach to building technologic-organizing schemes of strategic planning and management though applying tools of modeling. We also suggest the mechanisms to coordinate the investment decisions made by participants involved in megaprojects - such mechanisms include indicators which assess whether management schemes of implementation of investment program in such megaprojects are well balanced and effective.

Pliaskina N. I. [email protected]

Kharitonova V. N. [email protected]

Keywords: diagnostics management strategic planning management hydrocarbon resources technologic-organizing schemes megaprojects coordination of interests coordination mechanisms management indicators system of indicators

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
