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Strategic planning of intersectoral resource megaprojects: technologic-organizing aspects

The paper considers the characteristic features of intersectoral megapro-jects, the place which such projects play in a system of governmental strategic planning and management, and a necessity of administrative procedures to coordinate both strategic interests and investment policies of the government and business. We offer our methodological approach to building technologic-organizing schemes of strategic planning and management though applying tools of modeling. We also suggest the mechanisms to coordinate the investment decisions made by participants involved in megaprojects - such mechanisms include indicators which assess whether management schemes of implementation of investment program in such megaprojects are well balanced and effective.

Pliaskina N. I. [email protected]

Kharitonova V. N. [email protected]

Keywords: diagnostics management strategic planning management hydrocarbon resources technologic-organizing schemes megaprojects coordination of interests coordination mechanisms management indicators system of indicators

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
