Search by keyword: innovation
Creating conditions for the innovative development of resource-type regions
Sevastianova A. Ie. [email protected]
Keywords: oil-and-gas region materials sector of the economy innovation management factors and conditions for innovation activity institutional environment
Innovative Approach to Regional and Municipal Governance
This paper deals with the problems of modernization and enhancement of regional socio-economic development governance in the context of elaboration of a new system of public administration and local government. An innovative approach to regional and municipal governance has been offered, the peculiar feature of which being taking into account of the objective conditions and controversies of socio-economic development of a region, the orientation of management at the improving of regional economy competitiveness and the use of new instruments of state regulation, planning and forecasting methods at a regional level. The ways of enhancing of regional and municipal governance on the basis of implementation of innovative management practices have been identified. Based on performance evaluation of regional governance and generalization of its experience, and on the basis of comparative analysis of pre-planning schemes and procedures, diagnostics and forecasting methods, a new system of planning and forecasting documents ensuring the unity and interconnection between regional and municipal levels of administration has been worked out
Novoselov A. S. [email protected]
Marshalova A. S. [email protected]/ru
Keywords: regional and municipal governance innovation innovation competitiveness governmental regulation controversies of socio-economic development
Innovative Development of Russian Regions: Unevenness, Cooperation & Competition
The purpose of the article is to show that the unevenness of innovative development of Russian regions is the objective reality due to historical, technological, social and economic aspects of placement and operation of innovative factors in the territories of Russia and other countries. It is suggested that in the context of globalization the social and economic effects of “knowledge spillover” will intensify, while the processes of cooperation and competition in innovation regions will accelerate the technological change in structure and innovation culture of countries and regions. The role of regional dislocation of the RAS institutes is shown in the raising level of innovation development of the mega-space through combined investment in science and technology using the example of Siberia. The participation of the SB RAS and the SB RAMS illustrates the possibility of cooperation in technology platforms both in the high-tech field and for resource production. The three priority areas of cooperation have significant scientific groundwork for the new industrialization in Siberia and the possibility of combining the interests of the federal subjects in a number of existing technology platforms with the participation of the SB RAS institutes in order to develop new research directions, communication processes, including those in the form of innovative clusters and network structures. There is a justified conclusion that competition in science, technology and innovation emerges new markets and gives a competitive advantage in creation and use of knowledge in spatial areas of different regions. The sectoral knowledge spillover from the fields of nanoceramics and composite materials into oil and gas production may increase the chance of successful industrialization in Siberia. The article shows that potential cooperation and competition is possible between clusters in the European part and the Siberian regions, which were created with government support in the territories of Tomsk and Novosibirsk Oblasts, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Krais. It is expected that the agglomeration effects in the European part of Russia, the Urals, the Volga region, Siberia and the Far East together with a selective policy of knowledge spillover will bring economic and social benefits through the symbiosis of high-tech and traditional industries
Untura G. A. [email protected]
Keywords: region cooperation region regional policy innovation science Northern Sea Route region cooperation competition
Program for Reindustrialization of the Economy of Novosibirsk Oblast: Ideology and Main Directions for Its Implementation
The main purpose for the reindustrialization of Russia is to promote its national manufacturing sector so that it joins the group of highly developed industrial countries. It is crucial to mobilize regional growth points of the reindustrialization processes. Novosibirsk Oblast can become one of the top Russian regions leading the reindustrialization by implementing a special management program for that end. The article analyzes the ideology and main directions for the implementation of the Program for Reindustrialization of the Economy of Novosibirsk Oblast till 2020. It also reveals the region's potential for reindustrialization which is one of the strongest in Russia due to an efficient system of RAS institutes and a new system of development institutions (techno-parks, industrial areas, etc.). We come up with program elaboration principles and describe the mechanisms and institutional conditions for reindustrialization. By using eight megaprojects as an example, we show strategic initiatives that depict essential competitive scientific, innovation, engineering and production advantages of Novosibirsk Oblast and unique competencies in a number of directions for innovation. The Program for Reindustrialization of the Economy of Novosibirsk Oblast is a modern element of the regional strategic planning system.
Kuleshov V. V. [email protected]
Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]
Keywords: economy of Novosibirsk Oblast reindustrialisation program innovation engineering megaprojects highly-innovative projects investment projects strategic initiatives regional strategic planning
Technological Basis for the Reindustrialization of the Country and Region
The article analyzes the reasons and consequences of deindustrialization in Russia and advanced economies. Here we define the prominent features of technological and organizational basis for a new industrialization (robotic automation, additive technologies, new materials, big data, agent-oriented modeling, cognitive systems, distributed and cloud computing, the production differentiation, unmanned technologies, etc.). The emphasis is put on the characteristics of reindustrialization processes in Russia and how they are slowed down by the need to create internal mechanisms for maintaining technological and economic progress.
Suslov V. I. [email protected]
Keywords: deindustrialization reindustrialisation innovation technological basis automation 3D-printing big data cognitive systems fab labs
Local Knowledge Based Development. What Can Local Governments Do For It?
The article stresses that foreign public policy literature is focusing on interdependences among producing, expanding and impacts of knowledge. The author uses a complex approach, considering the interrelation of production, transfer and the use of knowledge, setting these phenomena into spatial frames and linking them with development policy. The reason of this specific focus is supported by recent political ambitions in the EU countries to strengthen the role of local economic development aimed at decreasing regional inequalities. The author outlines the theoretical frames of knowledge-based governance and development, like the urban regime theory, local knowledge, and regional innovation theories. Based on her own empirical research experiences, the author introduces the main characteristics of the Hungarian local government system which tends to be limited in its scope and competences in local development due to the legislation in the last years referring. The paper concludes that the European, so-called place-based development policy cannot be implemented in this very centralized governance context.
Keywords: competitiveness of industries and regions development of the economy innovation governance regional governments knowledge
Innovation Market in Siberia: Limits and Capacities
The paper analyzes the contradictory features of the Siberian development which do not fully reflect what Siberia contributes to the growth of the country’s economy. We consider several investment preconditions which would allow new industrialization in Siberia and the Far East, and what our science and innovations could contribute to the SFD regional development. We describe how regional branches of the RAS could be involved in scientific supervising a number of technological platforms and clusters to enhance the development of the new and traditional sectors in the eastern regions of the country and how the existed and potential forms of regional branches of the RAS could cooperate with other participants of innovation activities for this purpose
Untura G. A. [email protected]
Keywords: Siberia authorities education Siberia dynamics innovation science Northern Sea Route education
Formation Features of Social and Economic Development Strategies in the Context of Modernization
The paper defines an economic category named receptivity of a region to modernization. We identify and classify its relation to categories of regional development: competitiveness, effectiveness and safety. The article presents the basic methods to assess the level of receptivity of a region to modernization by analyzing constituent parts of this category, and gives an author’s assessment of its level in a number of Russian regions. We arrive at a conclusion that the stated assessment should be used as a basis for determining ways to improve strategic government in regions, and suggest using the specificities of development strategies formation in regions as ways to adapt process of its elaboration to conditions of modernization of regional social and economic systems
Balakina G. F. [email protected]
Keywords: region municipal governance region modernization innovation
Weighing Coefficients and Innovation Potential Ratings in Regions
The paper proposes a system of the indicators and a technique to define regional ratings on the base of such system. An aggregated index of innovation activity for units of the Russian Federation are calculated with consideration for differences in their socio-economic development as well as weighing coefficient (and without them) obtained on the base of a pairwise comparisons matrix. Our analysis shows that consideration for weights does determine the rating of the unit of the Federation among others. However, we can state that the regions having top positions in one rating scale remain of top positions in others.
Frenkel A. A. [email protected]
Volkova N. N. [email protected]
Romanyuk E. I. [email protected]
Keywords: development innovation innovation assessment models methods regions
Disparities in the Resource Economies of a Federative Type
The paper analyses how some experts assess the Russian economy considered as a resource economy, and how institutions of a resource economy influence the unequal efficiency of regional innovation processes. We show what the administrations of the RF subjects could do both for localization of development effects in the resource sector and attraction of investments from the stock market in the context of “a manually managed economy”, and what key tools they have to apply to perform a direct control and carry out negotiations.
Ageeva S. D. [email protected]
Keywords: federalism region federalism region regions innovation dynamics resource economy
Strategic support for regions: problems in assessing a status of an innovation territory
The paper analyzes the qualitative and quantitative methods for assessing the regional innovation activity, and criteria and procedures for selecting RF regions to be governmentally supported. We present the results of our testing made according to different rating techniques, and present our proposals how to improve the methodical approaches to and statistical data on evaluation of innovation statuses of regions.
Untura G. A. [email protected]
Keywords: region innovation Paretto’s optimum region region innovation cluster authorities education financial resources
Assessing a scope of modernization in the units of the Russian Federation
The author describes a scope of innovation activities carried out by the subjects of the Russia Federation, and presents his instructive conclusions which could be useful in shaping elements of both Russian and regional innovation spatial policies.
Kazantsev S. V. [email protected]
Keywords: innovation innovations structure the subjects of the Russian Federation
Hindrances at introducing innovations in the sphere of energy-efficient technologies
The paper analyses the conditions which favour all the stages of an innovation cycle and the reasons why the works on some energy-efficient technology projects have been locked-in. We identified and ranged the economic, financial, scientific and technical, technological, institutional and legal barriers encountered during implementing such innovation cycle.
Chernova G. V. [email protected]
Churashev V. N. [email protected]
Keywords: energy-efficient technologies innovation industrial policy stages innovations
Climate risks in an innovation development strategy
The study analyses how the climate changes considered as a new factor may influence the innovation development in Russia. We identify and analyze the adaptive and preventive innovations. Practical application of both innovations requires a complex of both institutional and technological innovations, i.e. an improved law and regulatory basis and an «eight technologies packet» which is of critical importance, respectively. We emphasize the special importance of those innovations where a multiplicative effect is beyond the scope of a «climatic» specter since the development and implementation of such innovations will bring a higher efficiency of production as well as the resolution of many problems of human environment and health.
Porfiryev B. N. [email protected]
Keywords: climate global warming energy-output ratio risks laws innovation knowledge innovations
Problems and methods of introduction of innovations into management
The paper shows that a new system of incentives, organizational structures and management technologies could be regarded and applied as the management innovations. We identify the barriers such management innovations may encounter during their implementation and show the ways how to overcome them. An innovation policy in relation to the enterprise management is understood here as a set of objectives, principles, rules and goals which allow the better management development of an enterprise.
Komarov V. F. [email protected]
Korsun K. P. [email protected]
Keywords: enterprise enterprise management system innovation management development peculiarities of regional reproduction processes innovations management innovation innovation policy
The international competitiveness of R&D
The paper compares the rating methods for analyzing the international positions of Europe and Hungary in R&D competition, and considers the correlation of elements of the national innovation system in Hungary. The author concludes that still there is no satisfactory technique to have reliable comparisons but despite the methodological shortcomings the deteriorated respective positions of the EU and Hungary in the global economic competition, as some indicators show, can be observed within the recent decades. Reasons why this happened and the arguments for current necessity of greater R&D expenses to increase the competitiveness of the EU are presented.
Keywords: European Union R&D scientific and research works competitiveness structure methods innovation
Regional Innovation System in West Transdanubia
On the base of public opinion poll, the paper studies key factors determining the development of a regional innovation system. We describe the socio-economic trends and regional innovation and scientific potential through generalizing the data concerning the Western Transdanubia NUT. We also show the role which innovation policy and its network tools play in innovation activity of regional businesses.
Chizmadia Z. [email protected]
Keywords: Hungary NUT (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) regional policy trends innovation public opinion poll
The role of governments in building innovation clusters
The paper shows how innovation clusters are shaped to solve the tasks of higher competiveness of territories in the foreign countries with government activism. We also show what innovation development practices of other countries can be advisable for Russia.
Gubaydullina F. S. [email protected]
Keywords: region region innovation world experience innovations
Northern regions of Russia: economic dynamics and development problems
The paper describes what regional economic tendencies are observed in the Russian North, and how national crisis processes affect the regional economies. We tried to take into consideration a current necessity of enhancing the innovation factors for the development of both national and regional economies.
Keywords: taxes financial-economic crisis regulation dynamics innovation forecast country economy region crisis region economy region economy
Developing mineral and raw material resources in the North: energy supply variants
The paper analyses the state and problems of the power and fuel suppliers operating in the Northern part of the Russian eastern regions. We describe a methodical approach to selecting an efficient variant of power and fuel supply for new enterprises developing mineral fields. We present the examples of how the new consumers could be effectively powered up to a centralized power supply system as well as some examples of projects for construction of independent power-supplier.
Ivanova I. Iu. [email protected]
Tuguzova T. F. [email protected]
Izhbuldin A. K. [email protected]
Simonenko A. N. [email protected]
Keywords: North innovation North innovations assessment power supply efficient variant
Assessing the innovation system in Russian regions: present state and further development
The current techniques for assessment of innovations do not completely reflect the regional specifics of innovation activities. This study offers a system of key indicators which would allow assessing the level of the development of a regional innovation system. We present a classification of the RF regions by the indicators proposed, and a comparative analysis of the SFD regions.
Serdyukova Yu. S. [email protected]
Valieva O. V. [email protected]
Suslov D. V. [email protected]
Starkov A. V. [email protected]
Keywords: innovation innovations Russian regions tools of governmental support system of indicators
Impact of the crisis on innovations in Russia: theory and reality
The paper analyses the innovation processes in Russia, and how the crisis affects them. We conclude that our policy responses to the crisis should imply the governmental support for factors of the innovation processes, which could be considered as one of the ways in practice to control and mitigate the crisis.
Untura G. A. [email protected]
Keywords: investments innovation crisis knowledge economy region scenarios industrial policy
Cohesion in bio-pharmacological cluster
The paper analyses the innovation aspects of how a bio-pharmacological cluster operate, including that concerning the connectedness of such cluster. We state that contacts with contractors within a cluster are of critical importance for any cluster's company as any contractor could be regarded as a supplier of new ideas, technologies and innovations for the cluster. On the other hand, the high transaction costs are a major institutional force which limits the cluster's growth.
Markov L. S. [email protected]
Teplova I. G. [email protected]
Yagolnitser M. A. [email protected]
Keywords: regional cluster innovation innovation connectedness inter-regional inequality
Labour resources in the innovation and traditional sectors of regional economy
We show how the labour behaviour and stuffing models are shaping in an innovation sector of the economy as well as the incentives and factors of such shaping. We also assess to what degree the educational, professional, labour and personality potential of the professionally trained youth is presently utilized.
Kharchenko I. I. [email protected]
Keywords: кадровое обеспечение стратегии staffing strategies labour behavior young labour force competencies human potential innovation
Capacities and prospects of the innovation development in Siberia
The paper shows a present state of the Siberian scientific, technological and innovation potential which includes a number of scientific achievements of world's significance, a developed system of higher education and scientific personnel training, and an advanced industrial complex including the knowledge-intensive sectors. We identify the key challenges of future development and key problems required to be resolved to build a holistic innovation system in Siberia which could adequately solve such challenges; and propose a scenario of how the existed potential could be targeted on innovation development that allow better competitive advantages of SFD and more favorable conditions of life.
Kravchenko N. A. [email protected]
Untura G. A. [email protected]
Keywords: challenges Siberia dynamics innovation education strategy region investments infrastructure innovation Siberia