Search by keyword: modernization

Formation Features of Social and Economic Development Strategies in the Context of Modernization

The paper defines an economic category named receptivity of a region to modernization. We identify and classify its relation to categories of regional development: competitiveness, effectiveness and safety. The article presents the basic methods to assess the level of receptivity of a region to modernization by analyzing constituent parts of this category, and gives an author’s assessment of its level in a number of Russian regions. We arrive at a conclusion that the stated assessment should be used as a basis for determining ways to improve strategic government in regions, and suggest using the specificities of development strategies formation in regions as ways to adapt process of its elaboration to conditions of modernization of regional social and economic systems

Balakina G. F. [email protected]

Keywords: region municipal governance region modernization innovation

Cross-border Cooperation in Regional Development Management: Practices of Europe and Ukraine

In this paper, based on the generalized Ukrainian experience in the formation and implementation of regional governance models, the activities of Euro-regions as central elements in the system of inter-regional and cross-border cooperation were analyzed, as well as the environmental and economic aspects of Euroregions were identified. We have also established the prospects and ways to modernize regional municipal governance by ensuring coherence and coordination of the actions and decisions in the functional activity of these control subjects territorial development, strengthening inter-regional relations and the expansion of international cooperation

Deyneko L. V. [email protected]

Sheludko E. I. [email protected]

Keywords: scenario analysis cross-border cooperation Euroregion modernization

Federalism, Regional Development, and Regional Studies in the Post-Soviet Time: Modernization or Degradation?

The paper considers a genesis of the federalism, spatial development, and regional policy in the post-soviet time – the 90-s and first decade of the new century. We show the specifics of the Russian transformations observed in these spheres by comparing them with the world trends; their defects and problems; and how to improve them. We also present a brief review of a current state of the Russian regional studies, and assess whether they are of the world level and considered to be applicable as a scientific support to modernize the spatial development of the Russian economy and society

Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]

Keywords: federalism federalism regional policy regional development modernization

Issues of the education reform: teachers' assessments

The paper analyzes how the Russian reform in education influences the development of teaching stuffs at educational institutions. We show the major outcomes and problems of this reform. The analysis of the opinions about modernization of education and its perspectives obtained by our polling the teachers of general education schools in the Bologda Oblast is presented. We also determine how tightly the teachers' attitudes to the reform and factors of Russians' social feeling correlate.

Golovchin M. A. [email protected]

Solovyeva T. S. [email protected]

Keywords: region education modernization region education modernization social feeling

Modernizing the real sector of the economy: spatial aspect

The paper considers the principle tasks, priorities, trends, and sources of modernizing the Russian socio-economic system and its real sector. We show the peculiarities of modernization of the spatial structure of the economy; dynamics and efficiency of some economic activities; and the fact that peculiarities of regional economic systems such as the state and structure of fixed assets, sectoral production structure, and receptivity to innovations are the important factors of the modernization. We also describe the different approaches to regional policy aimed at modernization, and display a necessity to have a balanced regional policy.

Aganbegyan A. G. [email protected]

Miheeva N. N. [email protected]

Soboleva S. V. [email protected]

Fetisov G. G. [email protected]

Keywords: modernization modernization priorities of the sectoral development financial resources spatial growth state of fixed assets dynamics dynamics and efficiency of different industries regional policy investments interregional differentiation

Socio-economic development in the Krasnoyarsk Krai: post-crisis trends

The paper analyzes an economic situation in the Krasnoyarsk Krai over last 5 years. What trends are characteristic of the regional development in the post-crisis period is considered, as well as the factors which make this region supported by the federal budget.

Tsykalov A. G. [email protected]

Keywords: Krasnoyarsk Krai GRP resource orientation sectoral structure modernization

Subjectness of the technical and engineering employees at modern enterprises: limits and resources

We use the data of the sociologic survey to analyze a problem of subjectness experienced by a person working at modern industrial enterprises in Siberia. We conclude that the implementation of modernization projects in Russian is hardly possible without introducing new management technologies and humanizing working relations - both aimed at minimization of employees' quasi-subjectness which can be seen in their estrangement, apathy, exclusion, and so on.

Korel L. V. [email protected]

Kombarov V. Yu. [email protected]

Keywords: subject of labor quasi-subject of labor estrangement staffing labor behavior labor incentives modernization innovation modernization

Russian industrial enterprises in the mirror of a multi-vector modernization concept: sociological aspect

The paper presents a concept of multi-vector modernization of an industrial enterprise. Analyzing data of the social research, we advance a hypothesis of uneven development of different sub-systems of an enterprise and different vectors of modernization. In our opinion, this is a factor which hampers any enterprise development.

Korel L. V. [email protected]

Kombarov V. Yu. [email protected]

Keywords: modernization industrial enterprises compositional structure public opinion poll

Directions in enhancement of decentralized power supply efficiency

We analyze the specifics and problems of decentralized power supply in the eastern regions of Russia, as well as development preconditions and problems of a small energy sector. We also discuss under what conditions a decentralized power supply zone could be enlarged to remain effective; under what conditions the local fuel consumption becomes more effective; and whether more extensive use of low-power nuclear stations would benefit. We offer our recommendations on promoting a small energy sector.

Tuguzova T. F. [email protected]

Ivanova I. Iu. [email protected]

Keywords: decentralized consumers depreciation of equipment reduced fuel consumption reconstruction modernization reconstruction modernization efficient variant competitiveness

Priority directions ofenergysaving andmechanisms oftheirimplementation

We consider key provisions of the strategic initiatives on higher efficiency of power produced in the eastern regions of Russia. We assess sectoral potentials and offer the priority ways of energy saving. We also show that renewable energy sources could make the fuel consumption lower in the eastern region of Russia. Organizational and institutional background as well as a technology policy concerning energy saving are considered.

Stennikov V. A. [email protected]

Sokolov A. D. [email protected]

Sokolov P. A. [email protected]

Tuguzova T. F. [email protected]

Keywords: energy saving energy consumption Far East power efficiency fuel and energy complex energy saving potential modernization priorities

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
