Search by keyword: federalism

Federalism in Russia: from a Pop-Up Slogan to a Long-Term Development Strategy

The article examines the main sources of Russia's federative statehood and its modern features. We analyze its development in connection with the general evolution trends of the idea and state practice of federalism in the today's world. It is crucial that federative relations in Russia continuously improve, as they are one of the prerequisites for the sustainable economic development of the country and its regions and are necessary to achieve the country's goals in the econo­mic and social spheres. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the main formation stages that federative relations in Russia are passing through. We focus on the fact that legal and institutionalfoundations of Russian federalism are closely related to the consolidation of its economic base, primarily through the improvement of the Russian model offiscal federalism. The article describes both finished and unfinished tasks associated with the transformation of the economic and legal framework of federative relations, which we define as the main prospects for the Russian federative reform. We have concluded that the federative reform cannot be considered complete. It should be continued, but based on a clear target-setting principle and built in close relationship with other key areas of social and economic transformation in Russia.

Bukhvald Ye. M. [email protected]

Valentik O. N. [email protected]

Keywords: federalism economic and legal foundations of federative relations the Russian Federation the Constitution of the Russian Federation federative reform

Myths of Regional Politics: Siberian “Separatism”

The paper states the fact that the Federal Center is attempting to frame bonds with regions into vertical power structure. The bureaucratic politics model and the monopolized Russian business lead to actual decline of competence and financial base of regional self-development, which casts doubt on the fundamental principles of federalism. First and foremost, this situation infringes upon interests of Siberia and Far East, but in the end it contradicts with nationwide Russian ones. The Center may be concerned with a fictitious threat of “Siberian separatism” which has a long history. Still, nowadays, for Russia to retain eastern territories it does not need an administrative resource but an actual economic integration and reindustrialization of Siberia. It is only economically developed Siberia that is able to “increase Russia’s might”

Shmat V. V. [email protected]

Keywords: Siberia Far East region socio-economic development Siberia Far East federalism region

Disparities in the Resource Economies of a Federative Type

The paper analyses how some experts assess the Russian economy considered as a resource economy, and how institutions of a resource economy influence the unequal efficiency of regional innovation processes. We show what the administrations of the RF subjects could do both for localization of development effects in the resource sector and attraction of investments from the stock market in the context of “a manually managed economy”, and what key tools they have to apply to perform a direct control and carry out negotiations.

Ageeva S. D. [email protected]

Keywords: federalism region federalism region regions innovation dynamics resource economy

The Russian Federative Relations, Regional Policy, and Deformed Economic Space

The paper considers how notions and criteria of federalism correlate with decentralization of powers and resources, as well as how quality of federative institutions correlates with regional policies. Our analysis of the recent regulatory documents concerning problems of the Russian federalism and regional policy shows that practical solutions proved to be inconsistent with the diagnosed regional problems. Moreover, decentralization of resources under these conditions will enhance the role the federal authorities play in making decisions rather than will bring higher effectiveness of the regional policies.

Klistorin V. I. [email protected]

Keywords: federalism unitary state federalism regional policy unitary state decentralization of powers

Federalism, Regional Development, and Regional Studies in the Post-Soviet Time: Modernization or Degradation?

The paper considers a genesis of the federalism, spatial development, and regional policy in the post-soviet time – the 90-s and first decade of the new century. We show the specifics of the Russian transformations observed in these spheres by comparing them with the world trends; their defects and problems; and how to improve them. We also present a brief review of a current state of the Russian regional studies, and assess whether they are of the world level and considered to be applicable as a scientific support to modernize the spatial development of the Russian economy and society

Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]

Keywords: federalism federalism regional policy regional development modernization

Budget System in a Federal State: Sub-Federal Aspect

The paper analyzes whether a budgetary system could be decentralized in the process of current building and operating of local governments. It presents key factors which define a centralization/decentralization ratio. A special focus is on the principles of distinction between budget expenditures and revenues, and variants of correcting vertical and horizontal misbalances in the national budgeting system. We show the role which a local government plays as a key link in a federal form of governance. We offer the structure of the regional and local budget revenues and our recommendations how a local taxation should be built

Sumskaya T. V. [email protected]

Keywords: federalism federalism budget decentralization vertical and horizontal misbalances local governance municipal unit intergovernmental relations

Key factors of the development of intergovernmental relations

Intergovernmental relations could be regarded as an integral component of the social and economic life of any country and its budget system. In the author's opinion, how such relations may develop depends on the key factors: at what stage of democratization the country is; how effective the federal relations and targeting are; and whether governments are sufficiently provided with resources

Kazantsev S. V. [email protected]

Keywords: intergovernmental relations intergovernmental relations federalism democratization federalism

Russian federalism: regional policy of supporting municipal units

Proceeding from a view that a municipal level of governance seems to be a matter-of-course basis both for federate relations and an effective decentralized decision-making system in modern economy, we consider the development issues of municipal units and population settlement patterns. We also discuss what informational base is required to make good strategic decisions on of population settlement patterns, and try to identify what threats the recessionary events, which are progressing in Russian economy, may pose to municipal units and what capacities municipal units have to resist.

Klistorin V. I. [email protected]

Keywords: federalism centralization decentralization regional policy regional policy spatial development depressed area

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
