Search by keyword: socio-economic development
The Law Is Adopted, The Questions Remain
Based on the Proceedings of the XIII All-Russian Forum “Strategic planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: Revisioning Strategies, Renewing Meanings” (St. Petersburg, October 2014) and the poll among representatives of regional and local authorities, there have been identified difficulties and obstacles that regions will face in the implementation of the Federal Law No. 172. “On the Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”
Lebedeva N. A. [email protected]
Keywords: social and economic development region strategic planning socio-economic development diagnostics
Myths of Regional Politics: Siberian “Separatism”
The paper states the fact that the Federal Center is attempting to frame bonds with regions into vertical power structure. The bureaucratic politics model and the monopolized Russian business lead to actual decline of competence and financial base of regional self-development, which casts doubt on the fundamental principles of federalism. First and foremost, this situation infringes upon interests of Siberia and Far East, but in the end it contradicts with nationwide Russian ones. The Center may be concerned with a fictitious threat of “Siberian separatism” which has a long history. Still, nowadays, for Russia to retain eastern territories it does not need an administrative resource but an actual economic integration and reindustrialization of Siberia. It is only economically developed Siberia that is able to “increase Russia’s might”
Keywords: Siberia Far East region socio-economic development Siberia Far East federalism region
Strategic directions in planning spatial development of regional systems and imperatives of state administration
The paper analyzes social and economic subfederal development plans. It discovers peculiar analogical spatial projections: forms in which socio-economic processes are reproduced and variable-based correlations; it also assesses their inhomogeneity and the degree of concentration. The results of the analysis are stated in tabular analytical schemes made for every subject of the Russian Federation, which allowed to suggest using identification adaptiveness codes as a descriptive tool for the said schemes. Their relations and further synthesis give an opportunity to use them as a ground for social and economic forecasting of how the federal subjects of Russia will develop
Yushkova N. G. [email protected]
Keywords: imperative regional policy region socio-economic development regional policy state administration social and economic development
Monitoring the Regional Socio-Economic Development: about a Set of the Indicators
The paper states that the technique to monitor the socio-economic development based on the system of the indicators common for all units of the Russian Federation does not allow applying scientific paradigms to regional governance. We offer a list of indicators which could reflect regional specifics in a proper monitoring of the regional socio-economic development and test its application for the Irkutsk Oblast.
Bondarev A. E. [email protected]
Keywords: region socio-economic development monitoring region innovation scoreboard regional economy
A Comprehensive Approach to the Analysis of Regional Poverty
The paper proves that measuring regional poverty should be comprehensive and include an analysis of the socio-economic and environment situation as well as effectiveness of the existing institutes. We analyze an official approach to and major problems of measuring regional poverty through our case-study for Tyumen Oblast. To describe a full picture of poverty in the oblast, we apply a multidimensional approach and compare indicators of people’s experience of deprivation such as lack of income, lack of capacities for human development, inadequate living standard, social exclusion, and peoples’ poverty assessments. We can also conclude that there is a need to solve problems of the increased social poverty and those of economic poverty observed in the Tyumen Oblast simultaneously.
Rudenko D. Yu. [email protected]
Keywords: region socio-economic development region socio-economic development regional policy
Fiscal mechanism to regulate municipal socio-economic development
The paper analyzes a special status and the basic components and problems of budgetary management of the socio-economic development in megalopolises. A differentiate approach to budgetary management in large cities is considered asmore applicable since it considers their special status. We offer a methodical approach to introducing mechanisms of output budgeting as it allows identifying the interdependence of fiscal indicators and those of the socio-economic development.
Papelo V. N. [email protected]
Goloshevskaya A. N. [email protected]
Keywords: megalopolis municipal unit megalopolis socio-economic development municipal unit
The monitoring of regional socio-economic development: methodical approaches to assessment of its efficiency
The paper shows that at present there are no methods to assess efficiency of the monitoring of regional socio-economic development. The author presents an approach which allows assessing both the efficiency of regional monitoring and collection of statistical information.
Bondarev A. E. [email protected]
Keywords: monitoring system of indicators monitoring socio-economic development
The role of the energy sector in the socio-economic development of the Baikal region
Having analyzed a current economic situation in the Baikal region, we can state that the region falls behind other Russian regions on average. The development of the regional fuel and energy complex is considered of the highest priority. We present our forecasts of the levels of energy consumption and related volumes of energy production in the region which could allow improving the regional fuel and energy balance and socio-economic indicators. This also allows the higher tax revenues in the region.
Saneev B. G. [email protected]
Sokolov A. D. [email protected]
Korneyev A. G. [email protected]
Muzychuk S. Yu. [email protected]
Keywords: Baikal region energy sector socio-economic development socio-economic development energy consumption methodology economy fuel and energy resources
Monitoring of the regional socio-economic development
The study analyses the application of information processing technologies to socio-economic monitoring of regional development. The author proves the necessity of the development of monitoring techniques allowing for the types of regions and all regional characteristics.
Bondarev A. E. [email protected]
Keywords: monitoring region monitoring socio-economic development region characteristics socio-economic development
Complex development of territories - a major direction of accelerated economy and energy development inRussia's East
The paper considers the issues of prospective socio-economic development in the eastern part of Russia in the context of building energy complexes and a regional resource base in East Siberia and the Far East. We present our assessment of contribution such complexes made to a rapid economic growth in the eastern regions.
Korneyev A. G. [email protected]
Agafonov G. V. [email protected]
Malov V. Yu. [email protected]
Vorobieva V. V. [email protected]
Keywords: socio-economic development scenarios socio-economic development scenarios energy sector anti-crisis programs incomes resource potential
Strategic aims of the long-term development in Siberia
The paper describes the recent studies made by the IEIE SB RAS concerning the development of strategic socio-economic plans for Siberia. The paper focuses on the latest version of the strategy having been developed since the end of 2008, and the reasons why it needs to be renewed. The authors formulate the development objectives and tasks for the next 20-25 years, the strategic priorities, and factors which may favour and impede the achievement of these objectives. The paper also analyses the primary stages of the current financial and economic crisis, suggests the hypotheses of how the crisis would continue and what impact it would have on the development in Siberia.
Kuleshov V. V. [email protected]
Suslov V. I. [email protected]
Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]
Keywords: socio-economic development Siberia Siberia strategy objectives goals crisis priorities