Search by keyword: energy sector
The role of the energy sector in the socio-economic development of the Baikal region
Having analyzed a current economic situation in the Baikal region, we can state that the region falls behind other Russian regions on average. The development of the regional fuel and energy complex is considered of the highest priority. We present our forecasts of the levels of energy consumption and related volumes of energy production in the region which could allow improving the regional fuel and energy balance and socio-economic indicators. This also allows the higher tax revenues in the region.
Saneev B. G. [email protected]
Sokolov A. D. [email protected]
Korneyev A. G. [email protected]
Muzychuk S. Yu. [email protected]
Keywords: Baikal region energy sector socio-economic development socio-economic development energy consumption methodology economy fuel and energy resources
Basic trends in economic studies of energy development in Russia's eastern regions
The paper shows what objectives the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences pursued by establishment of the Siberian Energy Institute in Irkutsk, and how the Institute’s research tasks transformed over the past 50 years.
Saneev B. G. [email protected]
Keywords: Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch economy institute energy sector
Complex development of territories - a major direction of accelerated economy and energy development inRussia's East
The paper considers the issues of prospective socio-economic development in the eastern part of Russia in the context of building energy complexes and a regional resource base in East Siberia and the Far East. We present our assessment of contribution such complexes made to a rapid economic growth in the eastern regions.
Korneyev A. G. [email protected]
Agafonov G. V. [email protected]
Malov V. Yu. [email protected]
Vorobieva V. V. [email protected]
Keywords: socio-economic development scenarios socio-economic development scenarios energy sector anti-crisis programs incomes resource potential
Problems and mechanisms of environmental policy implementationforfuel and energycomplexdevelopment
The paper identifies and assesses environmental impacts of the fuel and energy complex operating in the East of Russia. Key priorities of the environmental policy and its appropriate mechanisms required for developing the energy sector in this region are presented.
Saneev B. G. [email protected]
Maysyuk Ye. P. [email protected]
Keywords: energy sector power industry oil-and-gas complex environmental activities
Energy security problems and methods for theirsolution
We present an approach to assess energy security in the units of the Russian Federation which combines the instruments of monitoring and indicative analysis and which was developed by Melentyev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS. The assessment was made through comparing the actual values of key indicators with those set by experts and being threshold ones. An integrated quantitative assessment of the macro-regional energy security as well problems of different regions are also presented. This can allow finding the ways of ameliorating the situation.
Senderov S. M. [email protected]
Smirnova E. M. [email protected]
Keywords: energy security fuel supply energy sector fuel supply regions of East Siberia and the Far East indicative analysis