Search by keyword: staffing
Subjectness of the technical and engineering employees at modern enterprises: limits and resources
We use the data of the sociologic survey to analyze a problem of subjectness experienced by a person working at modern industrial enterprises in Siberia. We conclude that the implementation of modernization projects in Russian is hardly possible without introducing new management technologies and humanizing working relations - both aimed at minimization of employees' quasi-subjectness which can be seen in their estrangement, apathy, exclusion, and so on.
Kombarov V. Yu. [email protected]
Keywords: subject of labor quasi-subject of labor estrangement staffing labor behavior labor incentives modernization innovation modernization
Labour resources in the innovation and traditional sectors of regional economy
We show how the labour behaviour and stuffing models are shaping in an innovation sector of the economy as well as the incentives and factors of such shaping. We also assess to what degree the educational, professional, labour and personality potential of the professionally trained youth is presently utilized.
Kharchenko I. I. [email protected]
Keywords: кадровое обеспечение стратегии staffing strategies labour behavior young labour force competencies human potential innovation