Search by keyword: human potential
The contradictions of human development in a region within the modernization of the Russian professional education system
Kharchenko I. I. [email protected]
Keywords: competencies of graduates educational system labor market human development human potential employment
Regional Competitive Potentials and Competitive Attractiveness
The paper considers the current dimensions of competition and groups of consumers for which regions compete with each other. A definition of competitive potentials in a region is presented as well as the calculations of such potentials according to five factors such as the economic development, development of infrastructures, innovation development, quality of life, and human potential, each by a 100-point appraisal plan. We present our assessment of the competitive potentials for several Russian federal districts and regions classified by the technique proposed and discuss how such assessments could be applied.
Grinchel B. M. [email protected]
Keywords: region region competitive potential economic development competitive attractiveness innovation development region human potential
Human Potential in Cities of the Siberian Federal District: Assessing Ethnic Risks in the Context of Progressing Migration
The paper analyzes the dynamics of the ethnic and demographic situation observed in the Siberian Federal District in connection with migration processes. We consider ethnic aspects of the human development in the SFD cities. We can conclude that a reduction of the population with a western trend of internal and external migrations has been observed in the SFD for a long time, and such demographic losses due to migration could not be compensated. An unequal migration exchange, including the labor migration, has taken place. We can also state that the more intensive character of mosaic structure of the SFD population as well as of variety of ethnic standards can be observed as well as higher competitiveness in labor markets and sociocultural spheres, including those by ethnic features and acceptance of intolerant behavior patterns. Currently, the indicators of the SFD population display the critical problems for its future development. The migration and migration-induced transformations taken place in the ethnic, social and demographic structure of the SFD regional communities, including urban ones, generate zones of risks
Soboleva S. V. [email protected]
Oktyabrskaya I. V. [email protected]
Antropov E. V. [email protected]
Keywords: human potential Siberia human potential Siberia ethnic and demographic structure
Innovation potentials in territorial unit: how to diagnose them
The paper offers a sociological approach to diagnose innovation potentials of a territorial unit as well as the authors' understanding of the structure of innovation potentials and its elements such as environmental and human potentials. This approach, which was tested on the data concerning the Novosibirsk Research Center of SB RAS, allows identifying the strong and weak features, barriers, capacities and threats of the future innovation development.
Mosienko N. L. [email protected]
Pirogova Ye. V. [email protected]
Keywords: innovation potential social diagnostics human potential human potential socio-cultural environment expert poll local spatial unit Novosibirsk Research Center of SB RAS
Labour resources in the innovation and traditional sectors of regional economy
We show how the labour behaviour and stuffing models are shaping in an innovation sector of the economy as well as the incentives and factors of such shaping. We also assess to what degree the educational, professional, labour and personality potential of the professionally trained youth is presently utilized.
Kharchenko I. I. [email protected]
Keywords: кадровое обеспечение стратегии staffing strategies labour behavior young labour force competencies human potential innovation