Search by keyword: innovation development

International Competitiveness in the Field of Innovation

The paper examines the approaches to assessing the competitiveness of a country. It is shown that the competitiveness rankings produced by the World Economic Forum do not correlate with the ones in innovation and R&D. It is concluded that international R&D comparisons based on the GERD/GDP or BERD/GDP alone are not telling enough. These ratios could only be considered as performance indicators in case of equal levels of distribution of R&D expenses. Financial background to sciences and R&D is generally considered as a key factor to competitiveness, but, as the author has demonstrated, the structure of R&D spending also has an important role

Torok A. [email protected]

Keywords: innovation development competitiveness innovative development competitiveness methods to evaluate competitiveness GERD

Regional Competitive Potentials and Competitive Attractiveness

The paper considers the current dimensions of competition and groups of consumers for which regions compete with each other. A definition of competitive potentials in a region is presented as well as the calculations of such potentials according to five factors such as the economic development, development of infrastructures, innovation development, quality of life, and human potential, each by a 100-point appraisal plan. We present our assessment of the competitive potentials for several Russian federal districts and regions classified by the technique proposed and discuss how such assessments could be applied.

Grinchel B. M. [email protected]

Keywords: region region competitive potential economic development competitive attractiveness innovation development region human potential

Siberian Innovation Development Scenario: Issues of Its Implementation

The article considers what results the first steps of the Social and Economic Development Strategy for Siberia 2020 contributed to building a regional innovation system. We compare expected and actual targets of the innovation development in Siberia and several subjects of the Siberian Federal District. Having analyzed several major projects, we show the problems the innovation development variant for Siberia may face in its implementation

Kravchenko N. A. [email protected]

Kuznetsov A. V. [email protected]

Keywords: development strategy innovation development spatial development Siberian regions

Strategic planning as a factor of cooperative competitiveness

The paper analyses the cooperation of competitors (cooperative competitiveness), and it introduces a notion of cooperative competitiveness and its economic treatment. The author shows how a spatial strategic planning may positively influence the institutional environment through stimulating innovations and cooperative competitiveness both between and inside regions which could result in better socio-economic development. Potentially negative impacts of cooperative competitiveness are also analyzed.

Zhikharevich B. S. [email protected]

Keywords: region diagnostics innovation development region strategic planning innovation development

Resourse scarcity of the human development considered as a threat of modernization

The author presents her analysis of the resource supply for reproducing human potentials both in regions and sectors. The international comparative position of Russia in human development is shown. The author concludes that most of Russians, due to their low wages or salaries, have not enough resources available to human reproduction while the public expenditures on education, healthcare and culture do not cover the lack of individual investments. The author, being based on the works of well-known economists, tries to answer the question whether a vicious circle of «a low labour productivity - low wages and salaries» could be destroyed and whether priorities of Russian social policy addressing contemporary challenges could be found.

Kalugina Z. I. [email protected]

Keywords: innovation development innovation development human development social policy

Innovation development: problems of measurement

The paper presents the results of studies on identifying a set of indicators to assess innovation development and its applying to innovation management. Using the EC data, the author shows the situation in this sphere characteristic for this most advanced region. As such indicators are mainly of the analytical characters, the necessity to apply a widen set of indicators to solve both analytical and managerial tasks is obvious. The innovation strategies developed by EC are also considered here, and the key indicators of major strategies are offered.

Zverev V. S. [email protected]

Keywords: European Union European Union innovation development innovation strategy innovation scoreboard innovation development innovation strategy indicators

Priorities and key orientations of Siberian demographic policy

The paper considers the initial demographic situation of Siberia in the latest decade as well as the negative trends of prolonged character. Assuming an innovation scenario of the economic development in Siberia, the author describes a future demographic situation applying estimations of size and sex-age structure of the population in future. The author also offers the mechanism of demographic policy considered as a set of managerial, informational and legal measures, and describes the stages of the policy.

Soboleva S. V. [email protected]

Keywords: demographic policy depopulation excess mortality demographic development trends stages mechanisms innovation development

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
