Search by keyword: depopulation
Economic Development Threats in Subjects of the Russian Federation
The paper considers what and why could internally threaten to the economic development of Russia and its regions. It shows possible impacts of the current models of their development such as the depopulation in the RF subjects, export-import orientation of the national economy, and possible misbalance of civil and defense sectors
Kazantsev S. V. [email protected]
Keywords: economic safety economic security development depopulation threats regions
Demographic Situation in Siberia against the Background of All-Russian Trends
The article examines the demographic situation in Siberia and Russia which has improved since 2006, after a long period of depopulation: birth rate is growing, life expectancy is rising, and natural increase has become positive. These are the first successful steps towards overcoming the demographic crisis. Still, birth rate, although positively increasing, is far from that of the late 1980s. According to the data for 2011, it makes only 75% of population replacement. We define the main obstacles preventing future childbirth figures from growing and underline that in order to further overcome the demographic crisis, a family with 3–4 children should become a goal for demographic policy in Russia. Such a family should acquire the largest economic and moral support from the government and the society
Soboleva S. V. [email protected]
Keywords: Kyrgyz Republic Siberian Federal District demographic policy depopulation demographic potential mortality risks Russia
Regional opportunities in regulating a reproductive people's behavior
To make our recommendation on optimizing a demographic policy, we consider how people's reproductive behavior influences regional birth rates. Our case-study on the Vologda Oblast suggests that there is a trend to have a few children in families as people's reproductive plans could not be realized because of people's lack of confidence in the future economic stability in the country or stable family partner's relationships, or their dissatisfaction with their incomes, housing conditions, and healthcare and educational services. Within our case-study we developed the recommendations on the objectives to be included in the demographic policy for the Vologda Oblast and an interagency coordination plan to ensure higher birth rates in this region.
Dobrokhleb V. G. [email protected]
Shabunova А. A. [email protected]
Kalachikova O. N. [email protected]
Keywords: depopulation fertility depopulation demographic policy management Vologda Oblast
Priorities and key orientations of Siberian demographic policy
The paper considers the initial demographic situation of Siberia in the latest decade as well as the negative trends of prolonged character. Assuming an innovation scenario of the economic development in Siberia, the author describes a future demographic situation applying estimations of size and sex-age structure of the population in future. The author also offers the mechanism of demographic policy considered as a set of managerial, informational and legal measures, and describes the stages of the policy.
Soboleva S. V. [email protected]
Keywords: demographic policy depopulation excess mortality demographic development trends stages mechanisms innovation development
Demographic situation in the Privolzhsky Federal District
Dynamics of key reproductivity indicators for both the Privolzhsky Federal District and Russia in whole demonstrates the similarity of socio-economic conditions and dynamics of demographic processes taking place there. As we determined, over almost two passed decades the steady depopulation had been observed in the District. We also identify the trends concerning the birth and death rates, and show the reserves to make the demographic situation in the District sounder.
Polyakova G. P. [email protected]
Keywords: the Privolzhsky Federal District reproduction population depopulation depopulation