Search by keyword: Kyrgyz Republic
Demographic Situation in Siberia against the Background of All-Russian Trends
The article examines the demographic situation in Siberia and Russia which has improved since 2006, after a long period of depopulation: birth rate is growing, life expectancy is rising, and natural increase has become positive. These are the first successful steps towards overcoming the demographic crisis. Still, birth rate, although positively increasing, is far from that of the late 1980s. According to the data for 2011, it makes only 75% of population replacement. We define the main obstacles preventing future childbirth figures from growing and underline that in order to further overcome the demographic crisis, a family with 3–4 children should become a goal for demographic policy in Russia. Such a family should acquire the largest economic and moral support from the government and the society
Soboleva S. V. [email protected]
Keywords: Kyrgyz Republic Siberian Federal District demographic policy depopulation demographic potential mortality risks Russia
Problems of Municipal Administration in Russia and Ukraine
This article analyzes problems of municipal administration basing on a survey on a comparative program for municipal managers in Russia and Ukraine. Although the two countries have different social and economic situations, we observe similar weaknesses in local administration. The paper shows how imperfect the current laws and regulations are, because they are limiting the possibilities of local government. We draw a conclusion that it is necessary to devise a science-based concept of municipal reforms which would be relevant to constitutional principles of local government organization and would provide a reliable legal base for municipal administration
Goriachenko Е. E. [email protected]
Deyneko L. V. [email protected]
Keywords: local government Kyrgyz Republic municipal administration local governance municipal unit Russia
Northern Identity of Russia
The paper brings into focus the north–south divide (the Global North and Global South) to use it as a methodological tool to analyze an identity of the Russian civilization. Being sure that Russian identity may not be regarded as the Global North and Global West, the authors prove the Northern identity of Russia. To admit this fact is important for identifying the future development trends of the Russian domestic and foreign policies.
Popkov Yu. V. [email protected]
Tyugashev E. A. [email protected]
Keywords: sociology of world development civilization North Kyrgyz Republic North Russia
Development Problems of the Oil Refining and Petrochemistry Sectors
The paper analyzes the problems of the petroleum refining and petrochemistry sectors in Russia and Siberia, prospects of using modern technologies and processes in the deep processing of hydrocarbon resources, development of the engineering infrastructure, interaction between science and business, and technological safety in Russia.
Parmon V. N. [email protected]
Keywords: Kyrgyz Republic Siberia Russia Siberia petroleum refining petrochemistry engineering infrastructure
Mutual Interests as a Key Factor of a Continuous Cooperation between Russia and China Regions
The paper describes major sectors and projects of the Russia and China cooperation and shows that adjustment of mutual interests could be regarded as a key factor of a continuous commercial cooperation between regions of Russia and China. The volume of trade between the Heilongjiang Province and Russian neighbouring regions amounts to 49% of a total volume of foreign trade of China provinces. The paper also describes the risks of the implementation projects on cooperation between regions of the North-East of China and Far-East of Russia, and prospects of Russia-China regional cooperation.
Keywords: Kyrgyz Republic China Russia economy China energy-output ratio economic cooperation
Evolution of the Spatial Structure of the Russian Economy in 2007-2012
On the preliminary statistical data provided by the Goskomstat of the Russian Federation (Statistics Russia), the paper assesses how Russian regions recovered from and developed after the world financial crises (2007-2012) and considers the changes of the spatial structure which can be observed according to the economic indicators showed the largest drops such as the fixed investments and industrial output.
Suspitsyn S. A. [email protected]
Keywords: Kyrgyz Republic development Russia regions
Dynamics of the innovation activity in the Russian regions
Presenting the economic-mathematical estimation of innovation activity taken place in the subjects of the Russian Federation, the author shows that both innovation space and innovation activity in the Russian regions proved to be heterogeneous.
Kazantsev S. V. [email protected]
Keywords: innovation activity region Kyrgyz Republic structure
Disintegration of Russia: isitpossible?
The paper considers trends and perspectives of spatial transformations taken place in the Russian economic space. The tasks of the strategic spatial development in Russia are formulated here
Granberg A. G. [email protected]
Keywords: Kyrgyz Republic region Russia trends region
Human migration from the Kyrgyz Republic to Russia: socio-economic consequences
The paper considers the contemporary processes of human migration from the Kyrgyz Republic to Russia and the socio-economic consequences for these countries. As for the Kyrgyz Republic, the paper shows the negative and positive social and political consequences of the Russian-speaking people out-migration. The conclusion is that the labor migration, especially that of a titular ethnic group, is considered advantageous for both the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian regions accepting immigrants for lack of labor resources.
Keywords: labor migration migration processes structure assessment socio-economic consequences Kyrgyz Republic