Search by keyword: Siberian Federal District

Regional Fiscal Policy in the Context of Russian Fiscal Federalism

The paper analyzes how fiscal policy could be set at the regional level and how tax regulation and tax control could be realized. The study bases on comparison of the regional tax statistics data and indicators. To characterize a regional fiscal policy, we present a comparative analysis of efficiency of tax advantages, tax burdens, tax arrears, tax office expenditures, and direct and reverse financial flows in the SFD regions. We show that regional results of the tax control depend not only on regional differentiation, but also reflect the policy pursued by the RF subjects, and there are three types of fiscal policies pursued by the different regions

Kireyenko A. P. [email protected]

Orlova E. N. [email protected]

Keywords: Siberian Federal District regional policy economy Siberian Federal District regional policy fiscal policy

Demographic Situation in Siberia against the Background of All-Russian Trends

The article examines the demographic situation in Siberia and Russia which has improved since 2006, after a long period of depopulation: birth rate is growing, life expectancy is rising, and natural increase has become positive. These are the first successful steps towards overcoming the demographic crisis. Still, birth rate, although positively increasing, is far from that of the late 1980s. According to the data for 2011, it makes only 75% of population replacement. We define the main obstacles preventing future childbirth figures from growing and underline that in order to further overcome the demographic crisis, a family with 3–4 children should become a goal for demographic policy in Russia. Such a family should acquire the largest economic and moral support from the government and the society

Soboleva S. V. [email protected]

Keywords: Kyrgyz Republic Siberian Federal District demographic policy depopulation demographic potential mortality risks Russia

Tax Revenue Trends and the Experience of Their Modeling for Siberia

The paper shows that a downward trend in relation to a share of tax revenues coming from the Siberian Federal District has been changing since 2009 to an upward move. The Siberian economy has revived from the crises faster than the country in whole. We present here the fixed effects models of panel data, and assess features of the Siberian tax field related to spatial and time characteristics. We also show that, over the period of positive market trends observed in 2002-2008, the taxes in the gross were growing mainly due to an extensive factor not connected with structural changes, but its role in the trend is shrinking. The balance of power has been drastically changing since 2009.

Lavrovsky B. L. [email protected]

Murzov I. A. [email protected]

Shiltsin E. A. [email protected]

Keywords: Siberian Federal District taxes Siberian Federal District taxes

Novosibirsk Oblast as a Phenomenon of the Russian Modern Economy

The Novosibirsk Oblast showed high of its economic growth - its indicators were significantly higher than both Russian and the SFD average ones over 1999-2008. The same can be observed over the next period 2010-2011. The GRP and industrial production in physical terms were more than twice higher despite negative changes taken place in the economic trends and institutional environment of the Oblast. According to a constantly increasing number of economic indicators, the Oblast has outpaced its SFD neighbors over the last years. The author explains these facts applying a wide spectrum of statistical indicators.

Iershov Iu. S. [email protected]

Keywords: Novosibirsk Ob-last Siberian Federal District regional economy interregional differentiation Novosibirsk Oblast Siberian Federal District inter-regional inequality regional economy

Large Corporations in Regions: Pro et Contra

The paper analyses how large corporations impact on the economic processes taken place in certain regions; what pros and cons could be if large corporations or their subsidiaries and branches operate in regions; what effects are when a centralized model of corporate governance are widely spread; and how such model impacts on the level of localization of effects obtained by operating large federal corporations. We describe the examples of several regions of the Siberian Federal District where large corporations operate. We also consider several examples of foreign practices, and present our conclusions about the role which large corporations play being a factor of the regional economic development.

Nefedkin V. I. [email protected]

Keywords: corporation development regions Siberian Federal District localization of effects Siberian Federal District finance

How Public Finances Regulation Influences the Regional Economies and Budgets

The paper presents a case study on budget analysis for regions included in the Siberian Federal District, and how public finances regulation influences their regional economies and budgets. We can state that intergovernmental regulation negatively impacts on the situation in several regions, and effectiveness of the current policies in relation to regional public finances is open to serious question. To solve many such problems, we would like to propose some other approaches to building intergovernmental fiscal regulation. For example, according to our calculations made on actual data, a value-added tax replaced by a sales tax would be more effective since such approach, instead of the ongoing practice to correct mechanisms of intergovernmental fiscal regulation, would allow higher regional revenues and more incentives to have revenues high.

Shirobokova V. A. [email protected]

Keywords: development Siberian Federal District region intergovernmental relations regions criterion of maximization of the minimal development region Siberian Federal District regulation intergovernmental fiscal relations

The State and Problems of Transportation Infrastructure in the Siberian Strategy

Having analyzed the course, problems, and prospects of the development in the Siberian transportation sector which we consider as one of the most important factor of the successful implementation of the Siberian Socio-Economic Development Strategy up to 2020, we can conclude that the infrastructure failed to meet the current requirements and prospects of future development of the region and country. Our proposals are to speed up the implementation of the infrastructural projects and change the approaches to their management and financing. We also present our assessment of the volumes of investments required for modernization of the Siberian Federal District infrastructure.

Psarev V. I. [email protected]

Psareva T. V. [email protected]

Goncharova I. A. [email protected]

Keywords: Siberian Federal District Siberia Siberian Federal District assessment Trans-Siberian Railway transport-logistic centers strategy

Development Trends of the Consumer Complex in the Siberian Federal Districts

The paper analyses a current state of the consumer complex in the Siberian Federal District over 2002-2011, i.e. the population incomes, retail turnover, and paid services, and it presents a classification of the SFD regions by a consumer activity index.

Boldina N. P. [email protected]

Keywords: Siberian Federal District Siberian Federal District population’s money incomes retail turnover paid services growth

Crisis management at the sub-federal level in the Siberian Federal District

The paper analyzes how the Siberian regions react to the crisis and crisis management arrangements undertaken by the SFD authorities. Our results concern a classification and the general features of these arrangements and how effective they were.

Kolomak Ie. A. [email protected]

Keywords: crisis crisis regional policy region Siberian Federal District

Structural and dynamic features of the Siberian tax resources

The paper analyzes the dynamics and regional structure of taxes paid by the Siberian Federal District in 2004-2008. We show that regional differentiation of the tax indices per capita observed at the stage of economic growth proved to be stable (except a shock of 2006), and therefore, a type of the regional development should be regarded as neutral. We can conclude that Siberian regions overcome the crises much faster that the country in whole.

Lavrovsky B. L. [email protected]

Murzov I. A. [email protected]

Goryushkina Ye. A. [email protected]

Mishina A. S. [email protected]

Keywords: region Siberian Federal District region region the Siberian Federal District crisis

Agrarian aspect of the socio-economic development in Siberia

The paper considers the current state of proving rural people in the Siberian Federal District with food, and what improvements are required to ensure their higher living standard. We also offer our proposals on how to improve land relations, protect the environment, promote a rural style of life, and ensure a territorial integrity of Russia through usage of full potential of the Siberian agriculture. A proper governmental support to ensure the development of the Siberian agriculture is regarded as a high-priority task.

Kurtsev I. V.

Keywords: agriculture Siberian Federal District agriculture Siberian Federal District agrarian potential food supply incomes of the rural population rural social infrastructure

Foreign investments into Russian knowledge economy: national and regional aspects

The paper shows the roles which foreign capitals play in building knowledge economy in Russia, the Siberian Federal District, and Kemerovo Oblast. We can state that most investments coming to domestic economy from abroad go to the industries directly connected with the producing, dissemination, and consumption of new knowledge, and the largest share of the foreign investments made into knowledge-intensive industries is comprised of credits.

Zhernov Ye. Ye. [email protected]

Chausova A. I. [email protected]

Keywords: investments region knowledge economy Siberian Federal District foreign investments

Problems of introduction of nanotechnologies in Siberian regions

The study presents the results of the development and introduction into practice of nanotechnology projects implemented in the large intellectual centers of Siberia such as those located in Novosibirsk and Tomsk. The survey of the governmental support for the nanotechnology infrastructure is presented. Key problems of the introduction of nanotechnologies are identified.

Perepechko L. N. [email protected]

Kaminsky P. P. [email protected]

Korolkova G. V. [email protected]

Keywords: nanoindustry technologic transfer nanotechnology infrastructure Siberian Federal District

Analyzing the regional strategic planning in the Siberian Federal District

The paper considers how the systems of strategic planning are shaping in the regions of the Siberian Federal District. A comparative analysis of the strategies and long-term programs for the Siberian regions is presented. This allows identifying the key problems of regional strategic planning practiced by the Russian and Siberian regions.

Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]

Melnikova L. V. [email protected]

Keywords: regional strategic planning стратегии strategies Siberian Federal District regional policy

Russian Census of 2010: preliminary results for the Siberian Federal District

The paper presents the preliminary results of the Russian Census 2010 concerning the urban and rural populations and their sex-and-age structure in the regions of the Siberian Federal District as well the dynamics of resident population changes over 1926-2010.

Kiselnikov A. A. [email protected]

Keywords: All-Russian Population Census region region Siberian Federal District

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
