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Testing Approaches to Studying the Content of Municipal Strategies

The paper presents results of a pilot study of 100 documents on long-term strategic planning of municipal units. We characterize the texts basing on a devised codifier which describes economic and social parts of strategies, infrastructure development issues and implementation of a strategy. We pay special attention to “ambitious” character of a document and priorities towards “flagship projects”. As a result of cluster analysis, we have defined three following dense groups of strategies: ambitious realistic (good), unambitious realistic and ambitious unrealistic (populist) ones. The big number of strategies of the first cluster (54) allows us to say that Russian municipal strategies are of considerably high quality. Through the content analysis of the documents using lexical markers, we prove that the strategies are thematically differentiated and find out that a series of topics is assigned by the federal authorities

Zhikharevich B. S. [email protected]

Pribyshin T. K. [email protected]

Keywords: municipal strategic planning management Northern Sea Route стратегии management

Analyzing the regional strategic planning in the Siberian Federal District

The paper considers how the systems of strategic planning are shaping in the regions of the Siberian Federal District. A comparative analysis of the strategies and long-term programs for the Siberian regions is presented. This allows identifying the key problems of regional strategic planning practiced by the Russian and Siberian regions.

Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]

Melnikova L. V. [email protected]

Keywords: regional strategic planning стратегии strategies Siberian Federal District regional policy

The development of the Siberian regions in the context of a genetic scenario

The paper describes the methodology and techniques of the socio-economic development forecasts for Siberia and its regions by applying a genetic approach. We present our assessments of what spatial transformations could take place in the Siberian Federal District under conditions of a regional self-development scenario.

Suspitsyn S. A. [email protected]

Keywords: Siberia regional economy development scenarios Siberia forecasts стратегии spatial transformations

Labour resources in the innovation and traditional sectors of regional economy

We show how the labour behaviour and stuffing models are shaping in an innovation sector of the economy as well as the incentives and factors of such shaping. We also assess to what degree the educational, professional, labour and personality potential of the professionally trained youth is presently utilized.

Arsentyeva N. M.

Kharchenko I. I. [email protected]

Busygin V. P.

Keywords: кадровое обеспечение стратегии staffing strategies labour behavior young labour force competencies human potential innovation

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
