Search by keyword: economy
Regional Fiscal Policy in the Context of Russian Fiscal Federalism
The paper analyzes how fiscal policy could be set at the regional level and how tax regulation and tax control could be realized. The study bases on comparison of the regional tax statistics data and indicators. To characterize a regional fiscal policy, we present a comparative analysis of efficiency of tax advantages, tax burdens, tax arrears, tax office expenditures, and direct and reverse financial flows in the SFD regions. We show that regional results of the tax control depend not only on regional differentiation, but also reflect the policy pursued by the RF subjects, and there are three types of fiscal policies pursued by the different regions
Kireyenko A. P. [email protected]
Orlova E. N. [email protected]
Keywords: Siberian Federal District regional policy economy Siberian Federal District regional policy fiscal policy
Fiscal revenues in the SFD regions in the crisis
The study analyses how deeply a drop of regional fiscal revenues taking place due to the economic crisis affect the regions of the Siberian Federal District (SFD). We analyze the sectoral structure of the tax revenues in consolidated regional budgets as well as their tax type structure. The structure of vertical distribution of the SFD tax revenues are compared with the Russian average one. We show a peculiar character of the SFD tax flows from different activities.
Goryushkina Ye. A. [email protected]
Mishina A. S. [email protected]
Murzov I. A. [email protected]
Keywords: region economy region region criterion of maximization of the minimal development economy crisis