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The contradictions of human development in a region within the modernization of the Russian professional education system
The article shows that the particular imbalance problem of markets of educational services and labor, which emerged in the post-Soviet period, is currently growing into a more general contradiction between the process of human development and the public demand. Using data from the state statistics, sociological surveys of the economically active population and employers, interviews with various experts (representatives of administrative struclures, educational institutions, enterprises, and organizations), the authors found out that the process of modernization of the Russian professional education system, whose terminal indicator of success is graduate employability, still does not radically improve the conditions of human development of youth. The observed imbalance is expressed at the behavioral level in a way that young professionals cannot unlock their professional potential while employers are not satisfied with the available competencies of young employees
Kharchenko I. I. [email protected]
Keywords: competencies of graduates educational system labor market human development human potential employment