Search by keyword: labor incentives

Social Networking Service as a Factor for Developing Regional Innovative Systems in Russia

The paper shows that the main component and the basis of an innovative system is an innovative network, i.e. a set of social relations between participants of the innovation process. We analyzed data on the current innovation activities, interaction between participants of the innovation process, support measures for innovation projects in Tomsk Oblast and Krasnodar Krai. We discover that Tomsk Oblast is more active in terms of innovation and its support measures for innovation are more diverse and ambitious. The region now holds a range of venture-capital investors. In Krasnodar Krai the support system is more center-oriented, which results into less structured innovative network

Grasmik K. I. [email protected]

Keywords: labor incentives innovation innovation innovative system innovative network

Subjectness of the technical and engineering employees at modern enterprises: limits and resources

We use the data of the sociologic survey to analyze a problem of subjectness experienced by a person working at modern industrial enterprises in Siberia. We conclude that the implementation of modernization projects in Russian is hardly possible without introducing new management technologies and humanizing working relations - both aimed at minimization of employees' quasi-subjectness which can be seen in their estrangement, apathy, exclusion, and so on.

Korel L. V. [email protected]

Kombarov V. Yu. [email protected]

Keywords: subject of labor quasi-subject of labor estrangement staffing labor behavior labor incentives modernization innovation modernization

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
