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Weighing Coefficients and Innovation Potential Ratings in Regions
The paper proposes a system of the indicators and a technique to define regional ratings on the base of such system. An aggregated index of innovation activity for units of the Russian Federation are calculated with consideration for differences in their socio-economic development as well as weighing coefficient (and without them) obtained on the base of a pairwise comparisons matrix. Our analysis shows that consideration for weights does determine the rating of the unit of the Federation among others. However, we can state that the regions having top positions in one rating scale remain of top positions in others.
Frenkel A. A. [email protected]
Volkova N. N. [email protected]
Romanyuk E. I. [email protected]
Keywords: development innovation innovation assessment models methods regions
The international competitiveness of R&D
The paper compares the rating methods for analyzing the international positions of Europe and Hungary in R&D competition, and considers the correlation of elements of the national innovation system in Hungary. The author concludes that still there is no satisfactory technique to have reliable comparisons but despite the methodological shortcomings the deteriorated respective positions of the EU and Hungary in the global economic competition, as some indicators show, can be observed within the recent decades. Reasons why this happened and the arguments for current necessity of greater R&D expenses to increase the competitiveness of the EU are presented.
Keywords: European Union R&D scientific and research works competitiveness structure methods innovation
Transformed population crediting in the Siberian Federal District
The paper analyzes, on the base of a presented sampling, the trends of population crediting by the banks in the Siberian Federal District in the periods of the pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis restoration. We can state that in the crisis a sex structure of borrowers (physical persons) has significantly changed. We calculated the possibilities of borrowers' default in different borrowers' groups such as sex-, age-, education- and family state ones. We present our considerations on how to adjust the methods for assessing the borrowers' credit risks according to the Basel II requirements. We offer a rating technique to assess physical personswhich allows an improved classification of borrowers and the more adequate credit risk assessment.
Petukhova M. V. [email protected]
Keywords: credit financial crisis bank physical persons methods structure bank borrower's behavior methods
Assessing the geography of investment flows
The paper presents an indirect method for assessing directions of financial flows between regions. We tested whether the regional investment potential could be analyzed through applying data provided by the national accounts statistics (such indicators as the gross profit and gross mixed income), and data provided by the regional statistics (an index of potential investment resources calculated on the base of some indicators). As we determined, both show similar results - the growing financial potential in the period of high economic growth rates. We introduce a special coefficient showing a region/industry investment rating calculated according to the "sender-addressee" principle. The dynamics of this coefficient allows assessing the potential scopes and directions of redistribution of investment resources between regions
Melnikova L. V. [email protected]
Keywords: inter-regional investment flows directions methods structure methods assessment
Efficiency of health care expenditures: assessing the experience of Vologda Oblast
The study analyzes present approaches applied to assess how effective the expenditures for public health care are. We show that the techniques based on nothing but assessment of the resource components have some defects as they fail to allow for social effects. To overcome this shortage, we recommend the technique which is of 5-years practice in the Vologda Oblast, and which compounds the financial and demographic analysis. We present the results of our economic analysis made by applying such technique
Duganov M. D. [email protected]
Shabunova А. A. [email protected]
Kalashnikov K. N. [email protected]
Keywords: Vologda Oblast health care public expenditures assessment methods efficiency
Towards methodology of the research and regulation of spatial development
The paper considers the methodology of systemic regional studies including the peculiarities of the object and method of analysis; identifies the reasons of mismatching a basic model of regional studies and the most critical regional problems, and describes the contradiction between the new objectives of regional development, on the one hand, and Russian regional policy, on the other hand. The paper analyses the relation of regional and economic policies, and the issues of how to ensure the adequate information support for studies and to provide the management of regional development processes.
Leksin V. N. [email protected]
Keywords: methodology system regional studies essence subject methods spatial management regional policy economic policy