Search by keyword: strategic initiatives
Program for Reindustrialization of the Economy of Novosibirsk Oblast: Main Outcomes of its Development
The Program for Reindustrialization of the economy of Novosibirsk Oblast until 2025 was prepared by a team of researchers at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SB RAS as assigned by the Oblast Government. The article uncovers the peculiarities of the program, its ((architectures, the reindustrialization potential in the form of nine integrated flagship projects reflecting strong competence of science and industry in Novosibirsk Oblast. We show the formation trends for the innovation and engineering belt at the Novosibirsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and academic science. A special emphasis is put on strategic initiatives-the creation of the Siberian Science City, which may become the largest area of advanced innovative development. We conclude that the Program for Reindustrialization of the economy of Novosibirsk Oblast should be an essential element of strategic planning for the region and can be seen as an important pilot project of federal significance that could serve as an example to process new elements of interaction between government, business, and science to enhance innovative areas of regional development. We demonstrate that this Program and its participants have a strong integration potential mobilized thanks to the public nature of its development
Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]
Keywords: economy of Novosibirsk Oblast reindustrialisation program for reindustrialization innovation and engineering zone integrated flagship projects strategic initiatives Siberian Science City regional strategic planning
Program for Reindustrialization of the Economy of Novosibirsk Oblast: Ideology and Main Directions for Its Implementation
The main purpose for the reindustrialization of Russia is to promote its national manufacturing sector so that it joins the group of highly developed industrial countries. It is crucial to mobilize regional growth points of the reindustrialization processes. Novosibirsk Oblast can become one of the top Russian regions leading the reindustrialization by implementing a special management program for that end. The article analyzes the ideology and main directions for the implementation of the Program for Reindustrialization of the Economy of Novosibirsk Oblast till 2020. It also reveals the region's potential for reindustrialization which is one of the strongest in Russia due to an efficient system of RAS institutes and a new system of development institutions (techno-parks, industrial areas, etc.). We come up with program elaboration principles and describe the mechanisms and institutional conditions for reindustrialization. By using eight megaprojects as an example, we show strategic initiatives that depict essential competitive scientific, innovation, engineering and production advantages of Novosibirsk Oblast and unique competencies in a number of directions for innovation. The Program for Reindustrialization of the Economy of Novosibirsk Oblast is a modern element of the regional strategic planning system.
Kuleshov V. V. [email protected]
Seliverstov V. Ye. [email protected]
Keywords: economy of Novosibirsk Oblast reindustrialisation program innovation engineering megaprojects highly-innovative projects investment projects strategic initiatives regional strategic planning