Search by keyword: regional and municipal governance
Innovative Approach to Regional and Municipal Governance
This paper deals with the problems of modernization and enhancement of regional socio-economic development governance in the context of elaboration of a new system of public administration and local government. An innovative approach to regional and municipal governance has been offered, the peculiar feature of which being taking into account of the objective conditions and controversies of socio-economic development of a region, the orientation of management at the improving of regional economy competitiveness and the use of new instruments of state regulation, planning and forecasting methods at a regional level. The ways of enhancing of regional and municipal governance on the basis of implementation of innovative management practices have been identified. Based on performance evaluation of regional governance and generalization of its experience, and on the basis of comparative analysis of pre-planning schemes and procedures, diagnostics and forecasting methods, a new system of planning and forecasting documents ensuring the unity and interconnection between regional and municipal levels of administration has been worked out
Novoselov A. S. [email protected]
Marshalova A. S. [email protected]/ru
Keywords: regional and municipal governance innovation innovation competitiveness governmental regulation controversies of socio-economic development