Search by keyword: enterprise
Problems and methods of introduction of innovations into management
The paper shows that a new system of incentives, organizational structures and management technologies could be regarded and applied as the management innovations. We identify the barriers such management innovations may encounter during their implementation and show the ways how to overcome them. An innovation policy in relation to the enterprise management is understood here as a set of objectives, principles, rules and goals which allow the better management development of an enterprise.
Komarov V. F. [email protected]
Korsun K. P. [email protected]
Keywords: enterprise enterprise management system innovation management development peculiarities of regional reproduction processes innovations management innovation innovation policy
Two-level enterprise management system in the context of network-economy
The paper shows that a multi-level management system applicable in market environment proved to be inconsistent with network-economy. A two-level management system is considered more applicable in the context of network-economy as it allows reducing the time required for forecasting, planning, accounting, analysis, and control over production. The author proves that management systems in contexts of market economy, network-economy and «command-hierarchy» economy differ from each other in to what degree they are oriented on client's demand for a certain product.
Yakubovsky Yu. V. [email protected]
Matokhin M. A. [email protected]
Keywords: enterprise models of market economy network-economy and «command-hierarchy» economy management assessment