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Transformations of Demographic Processes in Yakutia

Our analysis of the population reproduction transformations observed in Yakutia shows that sources of the population changed. The natural population growth in the region does not balance the outward migration flows, and depopulation could be regarded as a current trend of the regional demographic development. The aggregate and crude birth rates are still high. Despite the rise in births over the previous decade, the population replacement has been observed. The high indicators of bastardy are still characteristic and this displays the existence of new forms of matrimonial behavior in the region. The number of deaths in the region still remains high whereas the expected lifespan is low. The transformations observed take place due to positive dynamics of infant mortality. In recent years a coefficient of outward migration flow dropped but it is twice as much in the region than in the Far East District in whole

Pakhomov A. A. [email protected]

Mostakhova T. S. [email protected]

Keywords: Yakutia demographic indicators transformation fertility risks birth rate country trends

Assessing Factors of Regional Differentiation for Indicators Characterizing Population Reproduction in Russia

The paper demonstrates regional differentiation of indicators of natural population reproduction in Russia, domestic and foreign migration by federal districts. On the basis of econometric equations on panel data for 78 subjects of the Russian Federation in 2003-2011, we have identified significant factors influencing birth rate, death rate and life expectancy in Russia. Obtained quantitative evaluations are of considerable interest. In particular, increase in well-being and availability of housing has positive influence on birth rate. One of the main reasons for the Russian people to have fewer children is poor quality of life which does not satisfy current needs of the population and shows that social programs for young families support are very desirable. Maj or decrease in birth rate against the background of increasing proportion of urban population proves necessity to support and develop rural areas around large cities. Obtained assessments help to conclude that natural reproduction rate of the Russians is lower than the average one in the country. Excessive alcohol consumption reduces life expectancy by an average of1.59 years, and adverse climatic conditions do by an average of 0.47 years in comparison to the favorable Black Sea climate

Bozo N. V. [email protected]

Gilmundinov V. M. [email protected]

Keywords: Russian federal districts fertility risks country birth rate death rate migration region

Northern regions of Russia: economic dynamics and development problems

The paper describes what regional economic tendencies are observed in the Russian North, and how national crisis processes affect the regional economies. We tried to take into consideration a current necessity of enhancing the innovation factors for the development of both national and regional economies.

Selin V. S. [email protected]

Keywords: taxes financial-economic crisis regulation dynamics innovation forecast country economy region crisis region economy region economy

Risks of the Siberian demographic potential

The risks, which we consider principal for shaping the Siberian demographic potential, include depopulation, high mortality, especially among men who are 40 years old or younger, and the changed age-and-sex structure, we consider as principle ones since they predetermine the unfavorable conditions for Russian further economic development such as the reducing shares of children, teenagers and able-bodied population and a growing share of pensioners in the total regional population that assumes a higher demographic burden on the economically active population; public health deterioration; a significantly reduced non-equivalent migration turnover and replacement of the Russians by different ethnic migrants from Central and South-East Asia - all of them making the quality of the working population worse.

Soboleva S. V. [email protected]

Smirnova N. Ie. [email protected]

Chudayeva O. V. [email protected]

Keywords: demographic potential energy-output ratio depopulation risks mortality demographic situation country

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
