Search by keyword: ecology
Tendencies in transformation of environmental management mechanism
The study analyzes the key ideas and measures towards environmental protection which were shaped in the second half of the XX century and started to determine the contents of any public ecological policy in the world. We focus on the issues of transformation of the environmental management mechanism applied at the federal and regional level in Russia; and show that our country had a good basis for developing and implementing an effective ecological policy by the beginning of the XXI century but failed to keep it effective for next years. Why it happened is analyzed in the study.
Burmatova O. P. [email protected]
Keywords: environmental activities ecology management management methods of regulation expertise
Energy supply to the Baikal environmental zone
We present our zoning of the Baikal natural area as environmental areas, the way how such areas could be provided with energy, and how the central area and its parts could be supplied with power through combining external and local energy resources.
Koshelev A. A. [email protected]
Keywords: Baikal Lake Baikal natural area zoning ecology zoning ecology