Search by keyword: regional social community

Building societal community as a problem of a regional development strategy

The study considers a regional social community concept. A regional social community is regarded as a system of the community members' interpersonal and intergroup attitudes based on their awareness of the solidarity in interests, values and life expectations, mutual support, loyalty and partnership for reaching common goals. We consider the building of such regional social community as a pre-condition of better quality of life and a necessary component of any regional development strategy. We also identify the basic stractural elements of a social community (values, standards and collectivities) and principles to develop such concept.

Ushamirskaya G. F. [email protected]

Babintsev V. P. [email protected]

Babintseva E. I. [email protected]

Keywords: region region quality of life social capital regional social community social capital reflexiveness solidarity

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
