Search by keyword: municipal entities

Local Government and Peculiarities of Russian Federalism

The paper considers what difficulties Russia faced in establishing local government. Such difficulties were caused, first of all, by significant differentiation of the spatial socio-economic development of the country and peculiar regulatory environment of fiscal federalism pertaining to regulation of local government. We present our recommendations on improving federal laws concerning tax and fiscal relations.

Marshalova A. S. [email protected]/ru

Keywords: federal law fiscal federalism depressed area municipal entities spatial differentiation principles of the fiscal system

Identification of Russian Regions from the Point of View of Spatial Heterogeneity

The paper offers the methodical tools for building a set of complex indicators of regional efficiency which reflect the resource, processing, and resulting components of major subsystems of a regional socio-economic system. We present our multidimensional assessment of the spatial heterogeneity observed for the Russian regions in 2000–2010 in the terms of the parameters of regional efficiency, and also a comparative analysis of spatial differentiation. Having analyzed the data concerning the resource-oriented regions in the Russian Arctic, we can state that high values of an economic component in their regional efficiency do not adequately reflect the actual socio-economic results.

Kirillova S. A. [email protected]

Kantor O. G. [email protected]

Keywords: region municipal entities industrial policy assessment region spatial differentiation development

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
