Search by keyword: public administration

Crowdsourcing as a Component of a New Public Administration Model for Regions

The paper proposes a model of public administration based on information and communication technologies (ICT). The model includes the following units: open data, crowdsourcing and open government. In order to work out in detail the transfer of knowledge and competencies from the society to the state, we have studied crowdsourcing and its potential use in public administration as a tool to improve the efficiency of state authorities. The article compiles a typology of best practices and applications according to degrees of citizen engagement in governance and political activities. Opportunities and obstacles to the use of the new model of public administration based on ICT are analyzed by the administration of Novosibirsk Oblast. There are recommendations on how to involve the scientific potential of Novosibirsk’s Akademgorodok in the governance of the region

Kaneva M. A . [email protected]

Keywords: region public administration crowdsourcing open data region open government Novosibirsk Ob-last

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
