Search by keyword: hydrocarbonic recourses

Priorities of the Current Governmental Development Strategies for Arctic Regions

The paper analyses the strategic documents on the development of natural resources adopted by subarctic countries. This allows us to identify what coincidences and differences in the strategies, goals, priorities and trends can be observed in different countries. The paper considers the opportunity of applying partnership and cooperation to the Arctic development, and what institutions could be regarded as those of the most valuable for transnational regulation in the Arctic. We also present what positive and negative trends can be observed in the Arctic policy carried out by the Russian Federation.

Selin V. S. [email protected]

Bashmakova E. P. [email protected]

Keywords: Arctic the Arctic Arctic hydrocarbonic recourses Arctic Council transportation potential Siberia hydrocarbon resources transportation potential foreign investments

Northern and Arctic regions: what role they play in Russian development under new geo-economic conditions

The paper shows the growing contradictory tendencies which govern the world line-up and force cohesion in the XXI century. We present our assessment of the environmental, resource and transportation potential in Northern and Arctic regions; and we prove that Russian Northern and Arctic regions are of special interest to the country in ensuring the national economic, geo-politic, defensive and other interests. The energy resources and transportation potential in Northern and Arctic regions, as we believe, could be one of the tools advisable to modernize the national economy and ensure - through realizing an effective governmental socio-economic policy - the sustainable spatial development in Northern and Arctic regions

Selin V. S. [email protected]

Bashmakova E. P. [email protected]

Keywords: North Arctic Arctic hydrocarbonic recourses transportation potential Northern Sea Route clusters space geopolitics geoeconomics economic interests

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
