Search by keyword: reform

On the Development of Railway Structural Reform in Russia

After years of reforms, the public railway management entity JSC Russian Railways is in a setting known as the institutional trap. The assumption that other mechanisms of the Russian economy should synchronously transform with this key infrastructural area was proved to be wrong. A functional geographical model of railway management was replaced by a «super centralized)} manage­ment model by type of activity. Russian Railways is now a holding that controls rail transport using hierarchy lines from the corporate center to the primary func­tional unit of the railways. In this paper, we analyze the efficiency of railway mana­gement based on new models and ways to escape out of institutional traps. We suggest approaches to developing the structural reform of Russian rail transport.

Bykadorov S. A. [email protected]

Kibalov Ie. B. [email protected]

Kin A. A. [email protected]

Keywords: Russian rail transport reform institutional trap administration hysteresis effect

Structural Reform in the Russian Railway Sector: from Single Alternatives to Regional Ones

The paper discusses strategic defects of a concept of the railway transportation reform. We prove that a regional decomposition of the Russian railway network will be a factor of a strategic importance in time. To prove this thesis, we use a cluster analysis of Russian railway traffic flows. We present our arguments for the Trans-Siberian Railway to be classified as a natural monopolist. Theoretical variants of the Russian Railway Company decomposition show that we would benefit at the national level due to competitiveness between natural monopolists on a domestic railway market. A system-oriented analysis of such benefits and those obtained by a united and hierarchically governed railway system would allow making reasonable institutional decisions on how the railway reform could get away from the current institutional trap out

Kibalov Ie. B. [email protected]

Kin A. A. [email protected]

Bykadorov S. A. [email protected]

Katunin I. S. [email protected]

Keywords: Russian railway transportation reform natural monopoly reform natural monopolism Zipf distribution

The Russian rail transport reform: theory, practice and prospects

The paper identifies the alternative perspectives of how the reform of the Russian rail transport may progress and what efficiency could be expected if such alternatives are implemented

Kibalov Ie. B. [email protected]

Kin A. A. [email protected]

Keywords: railways reform connectedness transaction costs investment project agricultural enterprises

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
