Search by keyword: natural monopoly
On Issues of Reforming Russian Railway Transport
The paper analyses trajectories of the OAO «Russian Railways» organization development within a two-dimension coordinate system; this allows us to understand the evolution of this corporation and future development perspectives. We consider what should be done to build such management for Russian public-access railways system which allows compromising the corporation's public and commercial objectives. We carry out a critical analysis of shifting a territorial-functional principle of the corporation management to a functional one as well as whether the corporation should be considered as a natural monopoly while there is only a part of it is of actual monopoly.
Kibalov Ie. B. [email protected]
Soboleva S. V. [email protected]
Keywords: public-access railways exterritoriality a system of objectives organization development natural monopoly governmental regulation Trans-Siberian Railway
Structural Reform in the Russian Railway Sector: from Single Alternatives to Regional Ones
The paper discusses strategic defects of a concept of the railway transportation reform. We prove that a regional decomposition of the Russian railway network will be a factor of a strategic importance in time. To prove this thesis, we use a cluster analysis of Russian railway traffic flows. We present our arguments for the Trans-Siberian Railway to be classified as a natural monopolist. Theoretical variants of the Russian Railway Company decomposition show that we would benefit at the national level due to competitiveness between natural monopolists on a domestic railway market. A system-oriented analysis of such benefits and those obtained by a united and hierarchically governed railway system would allow making reasonable institutional decisions on how the railway reform could get away from the current institutional trap out
Kibalov Ie. B. [email protected]
Bykadorov S. A. [email protected]
Katunin I. S. [email protected]
Keywords: Russian railway transportation reform natural monopoly reform natural monopolism Zipf distribution