Search by keyword: regional indicators
Measurements in the Space of Regional Indicators: Methodology, Methods, Results
The paper discusses what approaches to forming development indicators for a multi-regional system of the Russian Federation provide accurate interregional comparisons. We propose methods to identify stable topological structures in the space of regional indicators, to build an ordered system of regional clusters and to analyze inter-cluster connections. The article formulates principles and methods of elaborating a genetic scenario which depicts how the Russian multi-regional system develops basing on the evolutionary approach. It calculates development vectors of forecasting indicators for regions of the Russian Federation till 2030. We define the regularity with which the cloud of regional indicators changes its configuration, capacity and content of clusters. We also suggest an approach to analyze spatial transformations of the Russian economy under the macroeconomic conditions of its modernization scenario
Suspitsyn S. A. [email protected]
Keywords: regional indicators multi-regional system stable topological structures development scenarios