Content №2 от 2017

An Institutional System to Manage the Socio-Economic Development of Regions

The article analyzes the existing system managing the regional and muni­cipal development. It is shown that for many years this administration system has exhibited its inability to ensure the implementation of periodically stated strategic objectives for the development of the Russian economy and the execu­tion of regional policy. The evidence for the current system's ineffectiveness is an almost complete absence of positive results in achieving these objectives and executing the defined priorities of economic development in regions and muni­cipalities. We give the rationale for an integral institutional system to manage the strategic development of a region and its municipalities, providing means for designing necessary planning and forecasting documents and their further implementation. The administration system is presented as a set of inter­connected mandatory subsystems, which include organizational structures (an insti-utional system), planning and forecasting documents, and a control mechanism (instruments of impact). We identify problems that the existing administration system is unable to resolve or solves ineffectively. The article also assesses the role that an institutional administration system plays in de­signing and carrying out strategic directions of region socio-economic deve­lopment and provides recommendations on how to create an institutional system to manage the development of a region and its municipalities. We propose directions on forming an integral system to manage regional and municipal development, as well as present the basic elements of the state and municipal administration mechanism under the new conditions of so­cio-economic development that may serve as a foundation for advancing metho-do-ogical and methodical aspects of regional administration in the Russian Federation.

Novoselov A. S. [email protected]

Marshalova A. S. [email protected]/ru

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