Search by keyword: Siberia

Application of the fuzzy sets theory to assessment of the large-scale investment projects

The paper considers the issues of how to assess the efficiency of the large-scale investment projects. We offer an approach to choosing a preferred project among competitive ones when making a decision on the selection of an investment project. The approach is grounded upon both the principals of system analysis applied in the fuzzy sets theory and expert technologies. Our special focus is on how to assess the investment costs and their fluctuations depending on investment risks while the preproject analysis is being carried out. To make our calculation, we use a simulated case-study on «Transportation Network Project for Russian Far North and Far East»

Shipilina A. I. [email protected]

Bespalov I. A. phoenix_w@mail.га

Keywords: uncertainty assessment Siberia Siberia reserves investment project efficiency uncertainty

Economic development strategy for macroregion: approaches, structure and models

The paper considers an economic development strategy for Russia and its macroregions as a political document defining key principles of public policy and commitments of supreme federal and regional authorities in relation to an object of the strategy. The strategic objectives for Russia are to maintain its territorial integrity and win world's leading positions; as for the eastern resource regions - to diversify their economies, achieve population growth and eliminate backwardness of those regions which key indicators are lower than the national average ones. While developing the strategy, we applied a project approach together with mathematical methods. Among other things, we presented, in the context of the mathematical models, the operational definitions of the investment projects effects (direct and indirect; internal and external).

Suslov V. I. [email protected]

Keywords: Siberia strategy objectives Siberia strategy objectives and goals Siberia large project scenario of development expert

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
