Content №3 от 2013

Transportation Sector as a Sphere of Integrated Interests of the Russian Government and Corporations

The paper shows that there has always been a clear awareness of the military strategic and geopolitical importance of Russian arctic regions for the future of the country observed among the county administration. At present, it is of more importance due to a necessity of improving the technological infrastructure for our marine transport. The paper proves the author’s thesis that to realize both economic goals of the development of this region and strategic ones could be done through building a system of arctic aqua-territorial business complexes in the regions adjacent to the Northern Sea Route. The paper also offers the author’s approach to analyzing and proving feasibility of coordination of the national, regional, and corporate interests by changing parameters of the corporate structures of such complexes. A case-study is presented for the Taimyr-Yakutsk aqua-territorial business complex where different variants of the corporate structure of this complex are analyzed.

Malov V. Yu. [email protected]

Tarasova O. V. [email protected]

Keywords: Russian Arctic zone economic presence transportation potential Northern Sea Route key harbors aqua-territorial business complexes hydrocarbon resources

The Population’s Living Space and Settlement Patterns as the Factors and Conditions of Modernization in Russia

The paper analyzes the features of the Russian socio-geographic space connected with a current settlement pattern. We can conclude that Russian network of settlements proved to be non-homogeneous, and to be more precisely, there is a lack of cities; an urban skeleton does not cover all the territory of the country; the settlement patterns have shaped on rather limited territories mostly of local levels; and such settlement patterns do not unite the socio-geographic space. The key trends are the domination of conglomerated settlement patterns, polarization, and shrunk social space. We prove that the features of the socio-geographic space in Russia, in contrast to the key territorial features of a non-correctable nature, could be corrected, and therefore, this could become a goal of further spatial modernization of the country.

Glezer O. B. [email protected]

Vainberg E. I. [email protected]

Keywords: socio-geographic space urban skeleton settlement network urban and rural social environment conditions for Russian modernization

Managerial and Economic Mechanisms for Implementing the Russian Arctic Policy

The paper analyzes management risks Russia can face in implementing its arctic strategy, and the approaches to how coordinate national and regional priorities within this strategy. We prove a necessity to build an authorized body of the RF Government level whose mandate would be to coordinate the development and implementation of the development sub-programs and regional socio-economic strategies for Arctic area. We offer a project approach to administer the Arctic strategy.

Kharitonova V. N. [email protected]

Keywords: Russian Arctic authorized coordinator Siberia strategy management management risks mega-project uncertainty

Regional Competitive Potentials and Competitive Attractiveness

The paper considers the current dimensions of competition and groups of consumers for which regions compete with each other. A definition of competitive potentials in a region is presented as well as the calculations of such potentials according to five factors such as the economic development, development of infrastructures, innovation development, quality of life, and human potential, each by a 100-point appraisal plan. We present our assessment of the competitive potentials for several Russian federal districts and regions classified by the technique proposed and discuss how such assessments could be applied.

Grinchel B. M. [email protected]

Keywords: region region competitive potential economic development competitive attractiveness innovation development region human potential

Approaches to the Development of the Russian Arctic and Eastern Regions

The paper characterizes the Russian Arctic areas and eastern regions, and it proves that they (both or either of them) should not be considered as a united object of planning and management. The development strategies for each of the regions should be specified not only in the regional documents, but also in federal ones. Taking into consideration the realities of current regional management in the country and a principle of indivisibility of RF subjects, it seems advisable to give a priority to the level of RF subjects. However, it is also reasonable to treat the regions under study as independent targets of our public regional policy, administration, and, first of all, strategic planning.

Sevastianova A. Ie. [email protected]

Keywords: region Arctic region management spatial development Arctic eastern regions

The Russian Federative Relations, Regional Policy, and Deformed Economic Space

The paper considers how notions and criteria of federalism correlate with decentralization of powers and resources, as well as how quality of federative institutions correlates with regional policies. Our analysis of the recent regulatory documents concerning problems of the Russian federalism and regional policy shows that practical solutions proved to be inconsistent with the diagnosed regional problems. Moreover, decentralization of resources under these conditions will enhance the role the federal authorities play in making decisions rather than will bring higher effectiveness of the regional policies.

Klistorin V. I. [email protected]

Keywords: federalism unitary state federalism regional policy unitary state decentralization of powers

Monitoring the Regional Socio-Economic Development: about a Set of the Indicators

The paper states that the technique to monitor the socio-economic development based on the system of the indicators common for all units of the Russian Federation does not allow applying scientific paradigms to regional governance. We offer a list of indicators which could reflect regional specifics in a proper monitoring of the regional socio-economic development and test its application for the Irkutsk Oblast.

Bondarev A. E. [email protected]

Keywords: region socio-economic development monitoring region innovation scoreboard regional economy

A Comprehensive Approach to the Analysis of Regional Poverty

The paper proves that measuring regional poverty should be comprehensive and include an analysis of the socio-economic and environment situation as well as effectiveness of the existing institutes. We analyze an official approach to and major problems of measuring regional poverty through our case-study for Tyumen Oblast. To describe a full picture of poverty in the oblast, we apply a multidimensional approach and compare indicators of people’s experience of deprivation such as lack of income, lack of capacities for human development, inadequate living standard, social exclusion, and peoples’ poverty assessments. We can also conclude that there is a need to solve problems of the increased social poverty and those of economic poverty observed in the Tyumen Oblast simultaneously.

Rudenko D. Yu. [email protected]

Keywords: region socio-economic development region socio-economic development regional policy

Regional Innovation Potentials and the Effects of Higher Education

The paper discusses high disparities in the effects of higher education observed among Russian regions. For most regions, this fact can be explained by compensatory mechanisms, but for nearly the fifth part of regions, the explanation does not work – they are the regions with high innovation potentials. This fact let us assume that effects of higher education depend on the degree of how the innovation infrastructure is developed and locally concentrated. However, having tested this hypothesis, we observed a reverse dependence. In addition, the high disparities within federal districts required another explanation. Our conclusion is that effects of higher education in regions depend on the differences in wages taken place due to sectoral specifics of regions.

Cheremisina T. P. [email protected]

Keywords: Russia and regions effects of higher education regional innovation potential concentration of the scientific and educational infrastructures in regions level of wages and sectoral specific of regions

Development Trends of the Consumer Complex in the Siberian Federal Districts

The paper analyses a current state of the consumer complex in the Siberian Federal District over 2002-2011, i.e. the population incomes, retail turnover, and paid services, and it presents a classification of the SFD regions by a consumer activity index.

Boldina N. P. [email protected]

Keywords: Siberian Federal District Siberian Federal District population’s money incomes retail turnover paid services growth

Cancers and Socio-Economic Circumstances

Having analyzed a correlation between some oncological diseases observed in Western Siberia and the socio-economic factors, we display the typical correlations for most diseased and specific ones for individuals. The effective measures of cancer surveillance are proposed.

Putilova A. A. [email protected]

Keywords: region North region Western Siberia third age

Standby Opportunities to Improve the Investment Climate in the Novosibirsk Oblast

The paper compares an investment policy of the Government of Novosibirsk Oblast and the recommendations included in the model program on improving investment climates in RF subjects and developed on the base of the best sub-federal practices. The paper analyses problems of the socio-economic and investment development and proposes the ways and mechanisms to improve the investment policy in this region.

Zhdan G. V. [email protected]

Keywords: region Novosibirsk Ob-last region Novosibirsk Oblast investment climate

Energy Consumption under Uncertainty: Methodical Approach

The paper offers an approach to assessing a demand for fuel to make a long-term forecast of the opportunities of regional energy markets under uncertainty. A peculiarity of the approach is application of the optimization model and Monte-Carlo method. To show what would bring this approach, we present our results obtained by the application of the technique proposed to assessing the price elasticity of demand for gas observed at the new and large heating plants of several Russian regions.

Galperova Ie. V. [email protected]

Keywords: socio-economic development energy consumption long-term forecast banks regional energy markets demand

The Ob-Irtysh Region: Social, Ecologic, and Economic Problems

The paper displays an increasing impact of economic activities on the water resources of the Ob-Irtysh Basin and analyzes issues connected with providing the population and economy of the Basin with water as well as the issues of environmental protection. We paid special attention to the issue of coordination the interests of different countries in using trans-boundary water resources and how quality of water impacts people’s health. We also analyze what difficulties and potential threats are in practical solution of the current problems.

Vasilenko V. A. [email protected]

Keywords: Ob-Irtysh Basin impacts of economic activity natural and climate factors use of the trans-boundary water resources stream flow quality of water and health

Analyzing the Agglomeration Processes in the Novosibirsk Oblast

The paper is devoted to the agglomeration processes taken place within subjects of the Russian Federation. The study is of an empirical character, and its theoretical basis is the concepts of the new economic geography. Our analysis shows that, despite a high level of the spatially concentrated economic activities, the agglomeration progresses in the RF subjects and it happens mostly due to the size and structure of markets.

Kolomak Ie. A. [email protected]

Trubekhina I. E. [email protected]

Keywords: agglomeration agglomeration empirical estimations economic geography

Trends in the Changed Taxation System for Manufacturing Enterprises

The paper analyzes how efficiency of production at industrial enterprise and its tax burden correlate and it presents the authors’ technique for such analysis – to plan what results could be expected under different tax schedules. The technique was tested on the base of the example of a machine-building facility. This technique allows understanding how the current tax system could be improved to stimulate a higher efficiency of production at enterprises.

Titov V. V. [email protected]

Zhigulsky G. V.

Keywords: tax burden for industrial enterprises modeling of tax systems impact of a tax system on efficiency of production

Development Models for Innovation-Oriented Holdings: Managerial and Financial Aspects

The paper offers a number of the development models for the innovation-oriented holdings comprised of small businesses; analyses how a type of the holdings and their organization and management correlate; and identifies major features which could be reflected in such development models.

Solomennikova Ye. A. [email protected]

Keywords: crisis business development models innovation-oriented holdings small businesses outsourcing technological and managerial links

Issues of Industrial Reorganization in the Northeast China

The paper shows the reasons why the Northeast provinces in China, which used to be economically advanced ones, lag behind the Southern provinces. The recommendations how the Northeast industrial sector should be restructured and modernized are presented.

Ma Yujiung 0 [email protected]

Keywords: China China economic geography Northeast provinces concept

Evolution of the Spatial Structure of the Russian Economy in 2007-2012

On the preliminary statistical data provided by the Goskomstat of the Russian Federation (Statistics Russia), the paper assesses how Russian regions recovered from and developed after the world financial crises (2007-2012) and considers the changes of the spatial structure which can be observed according to the economic indicators showed the largest drops such as the fixed investments and industrial output.

Suspitsyn S. A. [email protected]

Keywords: Kyrgyz Republic development Russia regions

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